What’s In a Name?

Apparently, a lot.

I’ve been thinking it over for about six months now and have finally made a decision: I need a real name for my Web site/blog.

Maria Langer, The Official Web Site* and WebLog** is not cutting it, primarily because no one follows the asterisks to the footnotes in the footer, which say:

* Read with tongue planted firmly in cheek. (In other words, it’s a joke, folks. No, I’m not so full of myself that I think there are unofficial Maria Langer Web sites.)

** Don’t believe everything you read. (That’s my disclaimer, in case you find something inaccurate. It’s also for the folks who like to say that I’m making claims that aren’t true. Maybe I know that. Now my readers do, too.)

I think the name of my site is turning off people who don’t get it. And I don’t want them to get turned off by a name. I’d rather they get turned on or off by content.

Unfortunately, my imagination is completely tapped out and I can’t come up with any fresh, new, witty names for my site. This is what has taken me so long to make the name change decision. Obviously, if I already had a great new name, I’d just start using it.

Whatever name I do come up with must reflect the fact that the site is a mix of content, with everything from first person accounts of the things that go on in my life to illustrated how-to articles about using your computer or software. Visitors use Macs and Windows, so to include either operating system in the name just wouldn’t be right. Ditto for references to flying or Wickenburg or writing or any one specific topic I cover here. I need a name that’s more general.

I’ve got some ideas that might work, but I’d be interested in getting suggestions from the folks who have been following the site for a while. Use the Comments link or form or Contact Me with your suggestions.

I’d appreciate the help.

RedBubble Cards

Very impressive.

Let me start off by saying that I’m probably one of the pickiest people on the planet. I’m not easy to satisfy and even more difficult to actually please. I have a reputation as a whiner and a complainer.

But I like to think of myself as a perfectionist. I want things to be perfect — or as close to it as possible. (That’s my story and I’ll stick to it.)

RedBubbleThat said, I just received my first batch of cards from RedBubble. I placed the order about two weeks ago and they arrived in yesterday’s mail from Australia.

And they are beautiful.

Grand Canyon with CloudsThe artwork I chose — photos taken by me and several other RedBubble photographers — was perfectly reproduced on high-quality heavy stock paper. The matte coating applied gave each photo a nice protective finish. The back of each card included a thumbnail view of the image, along with the photographer’s name and the URL of his/her RedBubble portfolio.

These are, by far, the best quality photo greeting cards I have every seen. I am pleased beyond measure. I am, in fact, tickled pink.

Best of all, some of the cards have my own photos on them, so I can show off my work to the people I write to. (Hey, why the hell not?)

If you haven’t checked out RedBubble, you should. Not only is it a great resource for printing your own artwork as cards and wall art and t-shirts, but it’s a great place to shop for high quality art by extremely talented artists.

When They Say Flash Flood Warning…

They’re not kidding!

Okay, so I’ll eat my words.

Wash Flowing at 12:00 PMRight after my last post, when I claimed it would take at least an hour to get the wash flowing, the wash started to flow. It was a trickle at first — as it usually is — but by the time I went down to fetch the horses five minutes after this photo was taken, I had to walk through flowing water to reach them.

Wash FlowingIt was raining like hell at the time and I was wearing gym shorts with a rain jacket. I was dry from the waist up and soaking wet from the waist down. My legs were covered with the junk that had been floating in the water I had to wade through. I took this shot after going back up to the house for my camera. Here’s where the horses had been taking shelter from the rain. All that brownish gunk is floodwater with standing waves.

Wash Flowing at 12:35 PMA half hour after taking the first photo, I snapped this second one. It’s the same view plus a ton of muddy flowing water. The wash is flowing dangerously fast. In fact, anyone stupid enough to walk or drive into it would be swept away — as our garbage pails, neighbor’s fence, and horse feeders were. Those are drawbacks of having occasional waterfront property.

Wash FlowingIt got scary for a while. My neighbor’s horses live about 4 feet above the flood plain. But the water started making its way in. Soon, three of them were standing in about a foot of water. There was no one on that side of the wash to rescue them and I couldn’t cross over. Fortunately, they stayed calm. The water started to recede not long after I realized the danger.

As I type this, my neighbor is trying to rebuild his road with a Bobcat he has just for that purpose. I’m wondering how much fence is blocking the driveway under all that shifted sand and muck. Three Phoenix news helicopters are operating over town, video taping the receding floods. I’m starting to wonder why I’m not out there with them, getting a good view from my own helicopter.

It’s only 2:30 PM…maybe I will take a little flight…