Campground Grief

I have the worst campground stay ever, mostly because of the campground manager’s psychotic wife.

I’m snowbirding again, traveling in Arizona with my truck camper, which I hope to sell. I’d planned to come down here on a much shorter trip in my little Honda S2000. As the weather at home got gloomier and gloomier, I decided to load up the camper and head out early, spending more time with friends and enjoying the desert. My house-sitter was thrilled to be able to check in early; he’s a skier and loves spending winters at my house.

This has been a rocky journey. The first hurdle was serious truck troubles in Kingman, AZ that took time and money to resolve. Fortunately, I had both, although I’d prefer to spend them on other things. Then I had some camper battery issues near Tucson. More money, not much time, got the batteries replaced.

But, in general, the trip has been great so far. I visited a bunch of friends, saw some property for a potential relocation next year, and have been buying the cabochons I need to make jewelry — something I hope to get back to as soon as I return home.

Quartzsite is my current stop and I booked three nights at what I thought was Rice Ranch at the corner of Keuhn and Rte 95, very close to Tyson Wells where my friend Janet has a booth selling her artwork. I’d stayed there before and it was extremely convenient for me, as well as being far enough off the freeway that it was pretty quiet at night.

And that’s where my Quartzsite visit went south.

My Mistake: Booking at Rice Ranch North

You see, it turns out that I didn’t book at Rice Ranch. I booked at Rice Ranch North, which is east of Rice Ranch and completely unaffiliated. So when I turned up at Rice Ranch in the dark after driving 4 1/2 hours from Phoenix in too much traffic — rush hour there, construction near Quartzsite — I couldn’t find the entrance.

I called the number for the place and left a message. A woman called right back and directed me to their place, which I’d driven right past. It was crazy dark and, when I found my way in, she directed me with a flashlight to back into a spot.

I was angry and flustered about being somewhere I didn’t expect to be — somewhere that wasn’t walking distance from Tyson Wells in the dark or with bags of purchases and dogs on leashes. When I mentioned that I might nose in, the woman said I wasn’t allowed to. When I asked her why, she said that “everyone else would want to.” What kind of juvenile nonsense was that? I don’t take kindly to idiotic rules and pushed back. It turned into a bit of a shouting match. Finally, she went away.

I was supposed to visit Janet at Tyson Wells on arrival and there was no way I was going to walk there in the inky blackness. So I backed out, found my way out the exit — after making two wrong turns; I did mention it was dark, didn’t I? — and went to Tyson Wells. I relaxed a little with her. We both agreed that it didn’t matter which way my rig pointed as long as I was parked in my site. After about 45 minutes, I went back to the campground, found my site, and nosed in.

Intimidation and Another Surprise

I was feeding my dogs less than 5 minutes later when someone outside said “knock knock.” It was a man’s voice. He said he was the manager.

Feeling intimidated by the appearance of a stranger in the dark, I opened the door just enough to talk to him. He said I had to back in because that was the rule. When I asked him why, at least he had a decent reason: he was worried about people tripping over my power cable, hose, sewer pipe, etc. I assured him that would not be a problem. I told him I’d had a long drive with a lot of traffic, was very tired, and was someplace I didn’t expect to be. He said that we’d talk about it in the morning and left.

(As Janet wondered the next morning, how could people trip over my cables and hoses if they were contained in my site? What would other people be doing in my site?)

After feeding and walking my dogs, I went out to plug in. There was no 30 amp power at my site, which is what my rig takes. Just 20 amp (household current) and 50 amp. Fortunately, I have an adapter. I plugged in and made a mental note not to run the coffee maker and microwave at the same time.

My Daily Routine

I slept like crap. I hate listening to freeway noise and there’s no escaping it at that campground.

In the morning, I was up as early as usual. At around 7, I unplugged, stored my cable, and left the campsite. Since I couldn’t easily walk from the campsite to Tyson Wells, I figured I’d just park at Tyson Wells every day. The camper has For Sale signs on it and it would be better to be someplace where a possible buyer might see it anyway.

I needed to get there early to get a good spot. I wound up parking on the main road, backed in so my camper door would be by the walkway and safer to get my pups in and out. That’s one of the benefits of my setup: I can fit in just about any parking space.

I took my pups on a short hike with Janet and her dogs at around 8:30, then stowed my pups in the camper, took out my ebike, and went to the rock show at Desert Gardens. I spent hours there. Then I got back, took my pups for a walk, stowed them again, and walked around the south side of Tyson Wells. Lots to see and buy! Parking at Tyson Wells during the day was working out very well for me.

At around 5 PM, after making dinner arrangements with Janet, I took the camper back to the campground. I passed the manager’s wife as I came in and noted that she was watching me closely. I backed in — it was easier that way since I had to plug in and unplug again in the morning. She didn’t bother me.

Janet came a while later and drove us to dinner at Taco Mio. (Highly recommended. I’m re-heating my leftovers on the stove now as I type this.) She dropped me back off around 7:30. I walked my pups again, then closed up for the night. No one bothered me.

That was Wednesday. On Thursday, I did pretty much the same thing, but took a different parking spot a bit farther down the road at Tyson Wells. This time, after our walk I treated myself to an excellent (but expensive!) cinnamon roll before putting the pups into the camper for the day.

Then I was off to the Pow Wow, which was the main show I’d come to Quartzsite for. It’s on the other side of the freeway, an easy ride from Tyson Wells (or the real Rice Ranch). I spent the whole day walking around looking at rocks.

After lunch and more rocks, I was burned out and went back to Tyson Wells. I told Janet I’d make dinner and she agreed to come to my campsite.

I stopped at RV Pitstop to get my propane bottles filled and Reader’s Oasis (which is sad without Paul) to look for affordable old atlas books. Then back to the campground. It was sometime around 4 PM. I backed in. This time, I plugged in power, connected my hose, and even connected my sewer pipe. I’d be leaving the next day and wanted to dump my waste tanks and top off my water tank before departure. I also wanted a good hot shower to get some of the Quartzsite dust off me. (If you’ve ever been here, you know what a losing battle that is.)

For the rest of the afternoon and into the evening, trucks came and went in a truck yard I hadn’t noticed before between the campground and the freeway. There was some talk over either a loudspeaker or a radio turned way up. This was the first time I’d heard it, since I hadn’t spent much time at the campground during the day. It was pretty annoying at times. Even Janet commented on it after she arrived around 5:30.

We had dinner inside my rig, watching a nice sunset at the end of what had been a cloudy — with even some rain! — afternoon. She stayed until about 7:30. After struggling with Quartzsite’s notoriously bad evening internet service — a topic for another blog post — I retired to my bed with a book and had another fitful night of sleep listening to freeway traffic.

The Psycho Bitch Goes Psycho

I had already decided to take Friday off from rock shopping. I figured I’d have a leisurely morning, dump my waste tanks, fill my water tank, and leave just before 11 AM, which was checkout time. I was looking forward to microwaving that leftover burrito from Taco Mio before unplugging and pulling out.

I dealt with the sewer tank first. That required me to dump everything, lift the hose — because the campground had a sewer port that was idiotically extended at least 10 inches above the ground — and continue lifting until all the waste was out. Then I had to add water to the toilet with the toilet chemical. Then clean the sewer hose. Then hook up the water filter and fill the fresh water tank.

Somewhere during this process, I left the back door of the camper open. My pups had been on the bed in a patch of sunlight. When I was finished with the hoses and had stowed them, I grabbed their leashes, ready to take them for a quick walk before I heated my early lunch. But they were not in the camper.

They were nowhere in sight.

I knew this wouldn’t end well, but I could never imagine just how poorly it would end. I called and called. The manager’s wife was in a golf cart and called out to me, “Are you looking for your dogs?”

I called back that I was. She pointed. I headed that way, still calling. The dogs appeared. I put them in the camper and closed the door.

The manager’s wife came up to me and I asked her, “Did they shit anywhere?” There’s one thing I’m very good about and that’s cleaning up after my dogs. So many places forbid dogs because of a few inconsiderate people that let their dogs shit all over the place. I’m not one of those people. I figured she was coming over to me to tell me that they’d made a mess somewhere and I was ready to go clean it up.

But no. She came to lecture me. “I don’t know,” she said. “Your dogs need to be on a leash here.”

“I didn’t even know they’d gotten out,” I said in my defense.

And then she went psycho.

She started screaming at me and kicked me out of the campground.

I had to laugh at her. I had 45 minutes left in my stay and she had decided to kick me out. She started ranting about me coming and going and told me she thought I was going to leave Wednesday and not come back. I said I’d paid for three nights and I wanted to use them. I told her that if she’d offered me a refund, I would have left. She said they had a 7 day refund policy. I said I wasn’t about to leave when I’d paid for the site.

She totally wigged out. It was as if she’d been harboring this anger against me since my arrival on Tuesday night and had used my loose dogs as an excuse to explode. It was crazy weird.

Broken Cable
The cable wasn’t like this before she yanked it out. The yellow thing is the adapter I needed to use because my site didn’t have 30 amp power.

When I told her I wasn’t going to leave until checkout time at 11 AM and went to drop off a poop bag in the nearly overflowing garbage dumpster, she stalked over to the power pedestal, roughly pulled out my power cord, and locked the box. I plugged it into the other side of the pedestal, thinking about the yummy burrito waiting to be heated! She yanked it out again. This time, she broke the cable.

I told her I wasn’t leaving until 11 AM. She threatened to call the police. I told her to call them. She must have told me another 10 times to leave and I just laughed at her. She got more and more angry. It was so funny to watch.

Then I tried to talk to the owner, who other people said was in a motorhome nearby. I spoke to a very nice older woman who seemed nearly as flustered as I was. But then the psycho bitch ran over and started trash talking me to her. I went back inside my camper, not even sure if I’d been speaking to the owner after all.

The psycho bitch came raving back to my rig and yelled at me to leave. I told her to call the police. I told her I’d paid up until 11 AM and that’s when I was leaving.

It was comical to see how crazy she got. She said she’d call 911 — as if I were some sort of emergency. She finally got someone on the phone. She was parked in her golf cart right next to my rig and read someone my license plate. She gave them my first name and when she couldn’t come up with my last name, I opened the window and told her what it was. I think she was extra annoyed when I spelled it for her.

And then she started lying to the cops. She told them that I said I was leaving but instead I was sneaking in and out at night so no one could talk to me. Utter bullshit. I was back at the campsite every single day before dark — she’d even watched me come in on Wednesday! Her lies totally pissed me off, so I called the cops, too. I told them what was going on and that I wanted to set the fact straight. The woman I spoke to said that there was only one officer for Quartzsite — poor woman! — and that she was already backed up on several calls. I gave the woman who answered the phone my name and phone number and told her that I saw no reason to wait around. I asked that the responding officer call me.

And then I loaded my pups into the truck and left. It was 10:45 AM. The psycho bitch was standing at the golf cart with two or three older women watching the road for the police car. It’s nearly 1 PM now and I wouldn’t be surprised if she is still waiting.

Back to the Desert

I drove out to the desert about a mile from there and found a nice spot for the rest of the day and the night. And don’t tell anyone, but my dogs were loose for 15 minutes!

Parked in the Desert
Although the BLM land in the desert around Quartzsite isn’t exactly scenic, it is free, quiet, and lacks psychotic managers.

I’d wanted to take the day off to do some writing, but never dreamed I’d be writing about nonsense like this. People who can’t keep their cool dealing with guests should not be running campgrounds. I’ll have a peaceful night here, away from the freeway. Tomorrow, I’ll be back at Tyson Wells for my morning hike with Janet and her dogs.

And yes, I’ve learned my lesson: the next time I book a campsite, it won’t be online. It’ll be on the phone where I can verify the location of the campground and the features available at my site.

Snowbirding 2022: Planning My Winter Travels

I start planning for a few months on the road.

I travel south every winter and have been doing so since moving to Washington in 2013. I camp out in an RV — at first, my giant fifth wheel and later one of two different slide in truck campers. I still have that second truck camper and will be taking it south again this year.

Let the Past Guide My Future

Last winter, I spent 2 1/2 months camped out on BLM land along the Colorado River. I had a great campsite, a good friend for company about half of that time, and a comfortable, productive stay. But I’d also brought along a shit-ton of extra equipment — a 12-foot cargo trailer full of it. It made my campsite very comfortable, but it also made it very inconvenient to travel.

My friend Bill reminded me — in an offhand way — of a simple fact: I’d sold my ultra comfortable fifth wheel and bought a truck camper because I wanted the convenience of being able to go anywhere I wanted to go. By hooking up a trailer to it, I was losing the benefit of the truck camper’s small footprint, mobility, and (for lack of a better word) parkability. Why was I doing that?

The answer is, I don’t know.

I guess that if I wanted to go to a campsite and stay there for 2 1/2 months, it doesn’t really matter how big my rig is. That old fifth wheel would have been the ultimate in luxury parked near the river last year. (As a matter of fact, I did park it there for a few weeks a few years ago on my last trip south with it.) But what if I actually wanted to travel around and see stuff? Take a few tips from Bill’s travel routine?

And that is what I want. If all goes well over the next year or so, this will be my last year driving down to Arizona and California with a camper on my truck. I should make it count.

The Lure of Staying Home

My biggest problem this year is that I don’t really want to leave home.

I love my home. It’s comfortable and it has everything I want or need to stay busy and make the most of my time. And even though there’s a 6-week period where the sun does not actually shine on my property — it certainly shines out on the Wenatchee Valley, which I can see clearly from every window in my home.

Autumn View
If this isn’t something worth seeing out the window every day, I don’t know what is.

And no, I don’t really mind the cold or snow. I don’t particularly like it, but I don’t hate it.

What I do hate is the short winter days. The sun is currently setting here at around 4:20 PM and it’s dark by 5 PM. Since I don’t have a regular job, my body clock is my only real clock. And since I’m going to bed when it’s still light out in the summer when the sun sets at 9 PM, it’s hard to stay up for 5 hours after it gets dark in the winter. I feel ready for bed by 7 PM — and if I happen to fall asleep around then, I’m usually up by 2 AM. And that really sucks.

So it’s mostly the darkness that makes me want to leave town. There’s 90 minutes more of daylight in Arizona and the clocks seem to be more practically set; the sun is currently setting at 5:20 PM down in Phoenix. That extra hour really makes a difference to me.

And I won’t deny that warm weather is a plus. Last year, I wore a t-shirt outside from the day I arrived at my campsite on the Colorado River south of I-10 just before Thanksgiving until the day I left Death Valley in mid February. Yeah, it got chilly at night, but all day long, I was able to soak up the sun. I really do love the sun.

So at this point, as I sit in my camper at the Spokane Fairgrounds and Expo Center on a Sunday morning, waiting for the last day of an Arts and Crafts show to begin, I’m working hard to convince myself that I really do need to start my trip south right after Thanksgiving.

The Plan

The plan is that I have no plan. And that’s causing a problem, too.

Because I’m not going to go to a familiar spot and park for two months or more, part of that time with a friend, I really don’t know what I’m going to do. So I need to make a plan.

The beginning of the plan is pretty easy. I’ll take the fastest route south: I-84 southeast through Washington, Oregon, and Idaho to Twin Falls and then US-93 south to I-15 just outside of Las Vegas.

If I get an early enough start and the weather is good, I’ll spend the first night at Glenns Ferry in Idaho, where there’s a state park campground not far off I-84 where I can plug in. (I like to plug in in cold weather so I can run my quiet portable electric heater to save propane and battery power.) The next day, I’ll continue into Twin Falls and down US-93 into Nevada. I’ll have “arrived” in the south when I reach one of my favorite enroute camping destinations: Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge just south of Alamo. If it is as I remember it — totally under utilized, quiet, and free — we’ll spend two nights there and enjoy some hiking around the lakes.

Route South
My route south with stopping points. This is the same route I took annually when I came north for cherry season back when I lived in Arizona, so I know it very well.

The “we” includes my pups, Lily and Rosie, of course.

From there, I’m thinking of Valley of Fire State Park southeast of there. I doubt we’ll get a campsite in the park, but we’ll definitely do some hiking on the trails there. Again, my rig parks just like any other truck, so parking spaces aren’t an issue. We’ll likely camp on some BLM land east of there, which I’d camped at long ago with my big rig. This time, however, we might spend a few days and go exploring close to the shoreline of Lake Mead. There appears to be a ghost town down there and I can never resist a good ghost town hike.

From there — well, I have a loose plan.

I spent some time yesterday morning with Google Maps, trying to figure out where to go. I’d considered heading east through a few of the National Parks in southern Utah, but I suspect the elevations will make them cold. My camper is not a good winter rig; it has terrible insulation. I could imagine myself blasting the propane heater all night every night and waking to near dead batteries and tanks I’d have to fill every few days. I doubted commercial campgrounds would be open for a power connection. And then there were daytime activities — am I really going to want to hike or explore, possibly in snow, if the temperature is hovering around freezing? I’m not fooling myself: the answer is no.

So I thought I’d continue southwest along Lakeshore Road and over the Colorado River into Arizona, keeping just far enough from Las Vegas to avoid traffic. There are campsites along Lake Mead — both on the park’s paved roads and on unpaved roads that my 4WD truck shouldn’t have any trouble negotiating. I thought I’d try a few of those, depending on the weather. I expect it to be relatively warm during the day and cool (or maybe even cold) at night. The goal is to find campsites where I can relax, get out and hike, and not be bothered by other campers and their equipment. I considered a visit to Willow Beach campground with a boat rental and a trip back up to the Arizona hot springs, but I’m not sure if I want the expense. That campground is a great place to refresh my rig after dry camping for a while, but it’s crazy expensive and the boat rental isn’t cheap either. (As I near my early retirement, I’m starting to budget myself. Or at least try to.)

Lake Mead Area Explorations
Here’s a map of the Lake Mead area, marked up with the places I’m thinking of exploring. There are several places where I can access the lake where dry camping should be easy.

From there, south to I-40 at Kingman, perhaps with a quick stop at Kingman mine to replenish my supply of turquoise beads. I was thinking of driving along Route 66 eastbound — I’ve never done the long Arizona stretch. It would be great to find a campsite somewhere out there.

Then on to Flagstaff, where I’d likely have to park at a commercial campground, if any are open, just to keep my rig warm at night. I’d like to go back to Lowell Observatory and walk around town a bit. Flag is at 7000 feet and cold in the winter, so how long I stay depends on what the weather is like.

I did think of visiting the Grand Canyon along the way, but that’s really weather dependent. If there’s snow on the ground, I won’t. If not and if it’s been dry, I might go up there and spend a night in the National Forest just south of the park. I’ve always wanted to do that but I know that the roads can get pretty muddy. And then there’s the cold.

After Flag — well, I don’t know.

I wanted to go into New Mexico — it’s been ages since I was there — and hoped to visit Albuquerque and Santa Fe and maybe even Taos. But a quick look at elevation numbers pushed that thought right out of my mind. Santa Fe is at 7000 feet or more and in December, that means cold. (See above.)

Camping Map
Here’s a zoomed out screen grab from the Ultimate CG app on my iPhone for the area near White Sands. This app, like many others with the same functionality for iOS and Android devices, taps into a database of public campgrounds and campsites, many of which are free. It’s perfect for campers who want to stay as far from KOAs as possible.

So the solution is to stick to lower elevations or destinations farther south. I might start around Albuquerque and travel south from there. I’ve always wanted to visit White Sands. And there seems to be some good remote camping options down there.

Once I’m down there, I can continue west back into Arizona. I need to be in Tucson at the beginning of February for a jewelry-making class, but I seriously doubt my travels up to that point will take me through December and January. While my friend Bill has no qualms about zig-zagging back and forth through the southwest when he travels, my rig doesn’t get 25 mpg. In fact, I’m lucky to get half that, which means I burn twice as much fuel. At $3 to $4 per gallon for diesel, it starts adding up. (Remember, I’m trying to get into a budget mindset.)

So maybe I should go south from Flagstaff and stick to places in Arizona? Maybe camping near Sedona’s red rocks? Heading back to the Arizona side of the Colorado River? Now I’m heading into the territory I wanted to avoid: the same place I spent last year. While I wouldn’t mind spending a few days in Quartzsite in mid January — I want to attend the Pow Wow again — I don’t want to camp long term anywhere near Quartzsite. The Pow Wow is January 19 through 23. I prefer to go during the week (instead of on the weekend) to minimize exposure to crowds. So that pretty much sets when I need to be in Quartzsite.

And then there’s Tucson from February 2 through 5.

So I have to plan around that. What do I do between the two? Head over to southern New Mexico? Visit my friends in Gilbert and Chandler? Or Wickenburg? Or check out that campsite Bill showed me last winter in California, south of Desert Center? Or go farther west, perhaps all the way out to San Diego?

And will I be able to meet up on the road with my friend Bill? Possibly for a trip up to our favorite hot springs resort near Death Valley?

And then there’s the possibility that I might need to be home by February 10 to prep for crew duties on another boat trip — this time on the Intracoastal Waterway traveling at a slower pace from Charleston, SC to as far as we get in 2 1/2 months. (I’ll know more in a few days about whether that will actually happen; I’ve got my fingers crossed.)

I have to mention here that the possible boat trip is yet another reason why I’m not so motivated to head south. As I mentioned at the top of this post, I love my home. It’s comfortable. It’s easy to live in. If I go south for 2 1/2 months and then go on a boat trip for 2 1/2 months, that’s 5 months away from home. Do I really want to be away that long? I know I definitely want to do another boat trip, but do I really want to do another trip to Arizona?

So as you can see, I don’t really have a plan. I have ideas for a plan. Too many ideas.

The Clock is Ticking

Meanwhile, the clock continues to tick and calendar pages continue to whiz by. My house sitters expect to move in on December 1, which is less than two weeks from today. I can put them off until Christmas — they have somewhere else to stay until then — but do I really want to head south then?

I don’t know. I’m just making this up as I go along.

Adding Power to My Utility Trailer

I splurge on batteries and an inverter for my utility trailer/mobile jewelry shop.

For the past five winters, I’ve been traveling south in my truck with a slide in truck camper on the back. It started with “the Turtleback” in 2016/17. That was a very large and rather deluxe Lance model with all the bells and whistles, including an onboard generator and a slide-out to expand living space when parked. Then I downgraded to a smaller, newer rig, “T2,” which was roughly the same length, not quite as deluxe, and lacked both the slide and generator. What I gained in the swap was a 400-pound weight loss and a lot more inside storage space.

Why a Utility Trailer?

Over time, however, I started bringing more additional items south than I could fit inside the camper or truck. Normally, I’d have my portable Honda generator in the truck, along with my bicycle and wrangle my plastic kayak onto the roof of the camper. In 2017, I brought my little jet boat south with me and loaded it up with extras, including that kayak, for the trip south. It was nice to be able to store extra stuff in a trailer.

In 2018, on my way to my first camp, I stopped in Lake Havasu and bought an inflatable Hobie pedal/paddle kayak. Sure, the 11-foot boat deflated and fit into a bag with wheels, but that bag was both bulky and heavy. I shoved it into the entranceway of my camper for the rest of the drive to camp, but quickly realized that dealing with it in transit was going to be a royal pain in the ass.

My Rig
Here’s my truck, camper, and original utility trailer not long after I bought it. Note the dent in the upper corner.

So I got on Craig’s list and bought a 12-foot cargo trailer. It was a bit “rough,” as I blogged not long after acquiring it. I hooked that up to the back of my rig and stowed all the extras I’d crammed into my truck and camper. It had two axles, but I had trouble getting the tow ball height just right to distribute weight evenly on both of them. It was also a bit rickety and had me worried about long distance driving with it. But it made it back to Washington intact. I wasted no time selling it to a friend who was looking for a tool trailer that could be parked on job sites.

Truck and Trailer
Here’s my current rig. The newer trailer is in much better condition than the original one and includes a toolbox on the tow hitch.

I went hunting for a new one. Literally new. My search brought me down to Yakima, where I stopped in at the Lance dealer for a part I needed for my camper. I mentioned that I was going to look at some utility trailers at a dealer down the road. Mike, the co-owner, mentioned offhand that he and his partner brother had a utility trailer that they never used and would consider selling. I took a look. It was almost exactly what I wanted. I looked at the new ones, then called Mike back and started negotiating for his. About a month later, at the tail end of a trip to Tacoma, I picked it up.

I started customizing the interior almost immediately, adding E-track to the walls so I could secure various items to it. The goal was to turn it into a sort of mobile jewelry shop that could also haul the things I needed to do jewelry shows and camp. I loaded it up and secured everything, but wasn’t very happy about its setup as a shop — I had to take out too many things and set up a workstation on folding tables and then be sure to stow everything before moving. Boxes were big and piled up and difficult to access. The IKEA drawer units I’d put in had limited storage space for the weight they added to the rig. It was uncomfortable and inconvenient and it just didn’t work out the way I’d imagined it would.

So this year I built the tables and shelves I needed to make a real shop area in the front of the trailer, leaving the back wide open for show equipment and camping stuff.

Here’s a brief video I shot the other day that shows off my mobile studio space while I’m parked. It also includes a glimpse of my new inverter. And did you know that I maintain a YouTube channel for ML Jewelry Designs? Find it here.

My Power Needs

Before I discuss my needs, I need to make it clear that I camp off-the-grid. I’m usually not in a campground, but if I am, that campground usually does not have any utilities running to the site. That means I need to be self-sufficient with power (as well as water and sewer). I rely primarily on solar power but also travel with a 2kw Honda generator, just in case I have cloudy weather or unusually high power needs in my camper.

What I’m discussing here is my jewelry-making power needs.

My primary jewelry-making tool is a flex-shaft. The popular brand name is Foredom and that has become a bit of a generic term for that kind of tool, but mine is a Eurotool brand. It’s basically a hanging drill motor attached with a flexible shaft to a hand piece that can accept Dremel sized tools. You turn it on and off with a foot pedal that controls the speed of the motor. Because this tool requires AC power and the only way I can get continuous AC power while camping off the grid is to run my generator (which I don’t like running because of the noise), I didn’t bring it. Instead, I brought my battery operated Dremel, with its spare battery and charger.

I also use a small rotary tumbler quite a bit, as I discuss in this blog post. That also requires AC power, but it only needs 36 watts. Unfortunately, sometimes I need to run it for hours at a time. I was able to run it with a portable 150 watt inverter attached to the power port in my truck or in a battery pack I’d bought primarily to run my telescope. I quickly ran down the battery pack and had trouble getting it charged back up. And the idea of draining my truck batteries to run a tumbler was not very pleasing.

I also found myself with lots of other little batteries that needed charging. My camper does not have an inverter; due to limited space, it only has two 12v batteries. (Higher capacity 6v batteries will not fit in the storage cabinet — I’ve already looked into it.) On short winter days with a low sun angle, the 200 watts of solar flat-mounted on the roof can basically keep those batteries charged and let me use DC power ports to charge my phone, watch, and iPad but not much more.

The Solution

Last year, I’d looked into getting a solar charged battery power system installed into the cargo trailer. The trailer has a metal toolbox on the hitch bars and I figured it would make a good place to put the batteries. I already had a Zamp portable solar panel that I could attach to my camper. Why not use that to power a 2kw system on the utility trailer? But the estimate I’d gotten — more than $3,000! — gave me pause. A whole year’s worth of pause

This year I went forward with a less ambitious setup that included just two 6v batteries and a 1kw inverter. I had it installed in Quartzsite, AZ, where there are numerous solar power dealers who work on RVs. (I went to Solar Bill’s, but Discount Solar is another dealer there.) It still wound up costing about $1200. But if I kept the batteries charged, I would have all the power I needed to run my tumbler and charge just about any device that needed charging.

Solar Panels PM
Here are my solar panels in my current setup location. The original location had the panels in full sun from around 9 AM to 5 PM; in this new spot, they get sun at 8 AM but start falling into shade around 3:30 PM. The cable for the panels is only 12 feet long and the plug for it is at the front of the trailer. Poor parking planning on my part, but it’s all good.

Plug and Outlet for Solar Panels
Here’s where the panels plug into the side of the toolbox where the batteries are.

Batteries for Solar Setup
Here are the batteries inside the toolbox. There’s a vent hole behind them. I lost about half the box capacity to store things; I can’t put anything on top of them.

1000 Watt Inverter
Here’s the inverter, mounted in the front corner of my trailer just under one of the shelves. I’ll likely use the area around it as a charging station for various batteries in the future.

I brought it all back to camp, set up the solar panel in a good spot, and let the system do its thing. It was a bit iffy at first. Although the batteries were charged when I got them, I don’t think they were at 100%. My immediate use brought their power levels down a lot more than I expected. But after a few days with bright sun on those panels — including days when I didn’t use the power in the trailer at all — I soon had the batteries fully charged and able to share that power with any device I plugged in without a considerable power droop. I even managed to charge that big battery pack overnight without draining the system batteries.

I’ve since set up a little portable table near the inverter where I’ve parked various battery chargers — for my Dremel, my Ryobi tools/lights, my drone, and even my laptop. It has become the go-to place for charging things and it does a remarkable job. In the future, I’ll probably just use the shelf beside the inverter to set up a charging station.

Since moving my cargo trailer closer to my camper, I’ve also moved those portable panels closer. That means that if the utility trailer batteries are charged up and I don’t need them, I can attach another 160 watts of solar to my camper to bring those batteries up to full.

And yes, I did look into putting 200 watts of solar on the utility trailer’s roof. It would have cost me an extra $1400 for the panels, controller (which is built-into my portable panels), wiring, and labor. Not worth it — at least not yet.

Long Term Benefits

I know I won’t be traveling like this every winter forever. In fact, I’m starting to think the this might be my last year at Arizona’s Colorado River backwaters, where I’ve been coming since 2014. I’m starting to feel as if I’m stuck in a rut and and after living too many years in someone else’s rut, there’s nothing I hate more than that.

I’ve been thinking of making some major changes in my life that includes shifting focus on how I spend my free time. There will come a point when I don’t need that utility trailer at all. It seems a shame when I’ve spent so much time and money customizing it.

But the way I see it, the improvements I’ve made to the trailer make it even more flexible for me or a future owner. I can see converting it into a small living space for rugged camping — there are quite a few people camping in converted utility trailers out here in the desert. My jewelry workbench illustrates how easy it is to build removable structures onto the E-Track I’ve installed. Where I’ve put in a workbench, someone else could easily make a platform for a cot or other sleeping space. The storage shelves in the nose of the camper aren’t pretty, but they do make it possible to store lots of things in a way that can be easily secured in transit. And the power makes it even more attractive for off-the-grid use. All it takes is a need and a little imagination.

Until then, I’m enjoying the upgrade.

Snowbirding 2021: Life at the Backwaters Camp

We settle into a routine that includes activity, work, and rest.

I set up my own camp at our campsite with my camper on one side of the boat ramp and my utility trailer on the other. I was expecting my friend Janet to join me and I thought it was a good idea to leave room for her in the “living” side of the campsite by putting my utility trailer on the “working” side of the campsite.

About the Campsite

One of the nice things about the campsite — other than the fact it has easy access to a mile-long strip of backwaters channel — is that it’s mostly level. That makes it easy to park RVs without having to deal with a lot of leveling blocks. My truck camper, of course, has its four motorized legs that can be used to fine-tune leveling. But I need a relatively level place to begin with so I can safely raise the camper off my truck and drive the truck away.

The campsite is off the main road and surrounded by a lot of desert vegetation — mostly salt cedar, mesquite, and a type of shrub I’d always known as arrow wood (but Google doesn’t agree). This vegetation, although not very attractive, does give the campsite some privacy and filter away the dust that can come off the road when the four-wheelers are out in force. None of the trees are tall enough to cause an issue for a well-placed solar panel — especially if it’s on a camper’s roof (as mine are). I suspect that the site would be miserably hot in the summer months, but in the winter, all that sun is usually quite welcome.

The site is actually split into two logical halves with the boat ramp between them. One side is larger and could easily fit four good-sized campers without any of them parking in the deeper sand beyond. The other side is considerably smaller but features a few clearings in the vegetation where tents could be set up with a degree of privacy.

The ground (other than the gravel boat ramp) is mostly a sandy dusty dirt mixed with decades of campfire ash. It is not the kind of place you leave things on the ground if you expect them to stay clean. But dust is a part of life when camping out in the desert and I knew exactly what to expect when I chose the site.

I parked at the edge of the larger camping area, right beside where the land sloped down sharply to the boat ramp. I backed in (of course) so my back and main side window faced east, out over the backwaters. From my dining table window, I can watch the sun rise every morning and see glimpses of water birds like egrets and herons. I like a campsite with a view and this suits me just fine.

Setting up camp wasn’t difficult and I had it mostly done by the end of the day when I arrived. Other than removing my camper from my truck, I did a few extra things that I usually do if I’m going to be in a spot for more than a few days:

  • I set up a pair of portable sawhorses, each good for 1600 pounds of weight, under the body of my camper. This takes some of the weight off the legs and gives it a more solid feeling. It’s a little step that isn’t required, but will help keep the camper in good condition as it continues to age. (It’s a 2007 model and in great shape; I plan to keep it that way.)
  • I attached a vinyl “skirt” around the front end of the camper. This creates a little sheltered storage room where I can secure things I want to protect from the weather or keep out of sight. My bicycle, for example, is under there. So is my 2KW Honda generator, which is locked to one of the camper legs. I had the skirt custom made a few years ago and although I don’t use it often, it comes in very handy when I do use it.
  • I set up a table with my BBQ grill. I use a little propane fueled portable grill. I like to grill meats (and sometimes vegetables) and having the grill set up and ready to go right by my door makes it convenient.
  • I deployed my rear awning. My camper actually has two awnings, but I rarely use the one on the side. Instead, I put out the back one, mostly because it was so darn hot when I arrived in mid November. The sun would come up and shine into the back of my camper, making it unpleasantly hot within minutes. The awning kept it cooler. Even when temperatures dropped, however, I left the awning out with its various wind toys attached. With a mat nailed down to the ground beneath it, it gave me the illusion of an outdoor room, tripling the size of my living space. I staked it down securely so that even though it flopped around a bit when it got windy, it stayed secure.
  • Meade 8
    Here’s my telescope, set up in camp. I have a cover to protect it during the day and have been able to keep it dust-free. I haven’t used it nearly as much as I wanted to, mostly because I was having trouble getting it to align before I swapped out the batteries.

    I set up my 8″ Meade LX200GPS telescope. I bought the telescope last year and used it at a few campsites late in the season. The area where I was camped had amazing dark skies and with a big conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn coming up in December, I was eager to use it. The telescope, which lives in a Pelican-style hard-sided rolling case, is no fun to haul around, but once it was set up, I could cover it with a reflective cover to protect it from dust, sun, and wind.

  • I unpacked and inflated my Hobie kayak. I’d bought this two — or is it three? — years before in Lake Havasu City on my way south as a Christmas present to myself. Although it can be paddled like any sit-atop kayak, it has a pedal drive that makes it a real pleasure to pilot around the backwater channels — as long as the water is at least a foot deep.

    Here I am with my pups on a recent pedal/paddle/float down the Colorado River.

Camper Setup
Here’s my truck camper, set up for a long stay at camp. I put up my wind toys, deployed my rear awning, and even put on the custom skirt to create a sheltered “garage” under the front end of the camper. While the camper’s legs hold the bulk of its 3200 pounds, I also set up portable sawhorses underneath to take some of the weight off the legs and make the rig more solid on the ground.

My friend Janet arrived four days later. She came with her truck, “Blue,” pulling her 20-foot travel trailer, “Joey.” (For the record, although my truck doesn’t have a name, my camper and utility trailer do: T2 and Daisy (formerly Lily; long story) respectively.) She backed Joey into a spot against a tree with its door facing my camper and the fire pit. Later, her significant other, Steve, arrived with her studio/workshop trailer, “the Vega,” and parked it nearby so she could share her generator between the two of them.

The Routine

Our lives at camp quickly settled into a routine.

We start the day in our own campers with coffee (me) or tea (Janet) and maybe a small breakfast. I wake up at all times, from as early as 4 AM to as late as 7 AM. I let my pups out (supervised) for their early morning numbers (1 and 2) and give them breakfast. I drink my coffee, catch up on Twitter, update my Etsy site, or wade through incoming email. I use my iPad, which seems to get the best connection here when it’s placed on my pillow on my bed, as a wifi hotspot.

Maria and Dogs
One of my Twitter friends wanted a picture of the dogs at camp. The only way I could get a shot of them all was to grab mine while Janet’s stood nearby. This is one morning after our walk.

When the sun comes up, we’d go for a brisk walk in the desert. When we got here, we’d go as early as 7:30, but as it gets colder and colder and the sun rises later and later, we now go as late as 9 AM. We have four different walks. Three of them are about 2 1/2 miles long while the fourth is about 3 1/2 miles long. I admit that I shy away from that long walk early in the morning because a good portion of it is in the shade of a hillside and it’s really cold. And the walk that’s a loop around our backwater channel is especially tiresome because a good portion of it is in sand.

After the walk, we do our own thing most days. I usually do my dishes and/or shower. I like to run my water pump in the morning so the onboard batteries have the whole day to recover power from the 200 watts of solar on the roof. I really don’t like running my generator; I hate the noise. Although I’ll run my pump at any time of the day or night, dishes and showers run it long enough to take a toll on the batteries and mine are starting to show their age. (I actually had them replaced yesterday after writing the first draft of this post.)

I might also have a real breakfast of something cooked. I usually make the same thing I make at home: veggies cooked with some sort of breakfast meat and topped with an egg. I’m still trying to use up the potatoes and onions from my garden that I brought with me.

Then I go to work in my utility trailer. (More on that in a moment.) I generally work most of the day, with breaks whenever Rosie, the more vocal of my two pups, decides there’s something she needs to bark at. I leave the girls loose during the day, but with predators like coyotes around (mostly early and late in the day, as well as overnight), I try hard to keep tabs on them. Rosie likes to bark at imagined threats so I get lots of stand time during the day. (Apple Watch owners should know what I’m talking about.)

By around 4 PM, Janet and I are both finishing up for the day. One of us will set up paper trash and kindling in the fire pit. One or both of us will cook all or part of a shared dinner. We’ll light the fire and feed it wood we’ve gathered or brought along. My pups will go into the camper — they don’t seem to like being outside after dusk and that’s fine with me.

We’ll eat dinner by the fire. We’ll chat.

Thanksgiving Dinner
We eat well here. This was Thanksgiving dinner on my plate. Janet made almost everything you see; I made the stuffing, which I really love to make (and eat). We’ve had grilled NY strip steak, salmon (that I caught over the summer), and bacon-wrapped scallops, as well as chicken enchiladas, chicken and vegetable masala, tacos, and all kinds of homemade food. Janet even made a loaf of challah bread from scratch yesterday, which was a bit of a challenge to bake in her tiny oven.

Jupiter with Moons
I took this photo of Jupiter and its four largest moons by holding my iPhone’s lens against the eyepiece of my telescope one night.

We’ll watch the stars come out, marvel on how close Saturn is getting to Jupiter, and count satellites that pass overhead. A few times, I fired up the telescope for a closer look at Jupiter, Saturn, the moon, mars, and a few other points of interest in the sky. The Milky Way’s glow was nearly always bright above us.

Then, when the fire turns to a bed of coals, we’ll call it a night. Janet will retreat into her camper with her big dog Dually. I’ll bring my pups out for a pee and then go back inside for the night.

Depending on what time it is, I’ll do some work on my laptop or read or just straighten up my rig. Eventually, I’ll climb up into bed to read, watch videos on my iPad, or do a crossword puzzle. Then I’ll sleep.

The next day is pretty much the same.

Occasionally, we’ll break routine for a morning of chores or goofing off or weather that makes us want to stay indoors. But those days are few and far between.


Of course, we eventually have to do chores like laundry, grocery shopping, fetching water or propane, or visiting the post office. Because the road to get to camp is so long and bumpy, I try not to leave camp more than once or twice a week.

We do grocery shopping once a week in Blythe, CA where there’s a Smart and Final and an Albertsons. Although last year we favored Smart and Final, which tends to be cheaper, it soon became apparent that they often lacked the things we needed, requiring us to hit Albertsons as well. So this year we’re mostly just going to Albertsons.

We do laundry every other week, also in Blythe, and coordinate it with a trip to the Ace hardware store and Albertsons. It works like this: go to the laundromat and put our laundry into washers. That gives us 24 minutes to drive to Ace, shop, and get back. Move all the laundry into dryers and feed the dryers enough coins to dry to 40 to 50 minutes. Then go to Albertsons and shop. Go back to the laundromat, arriving just in time for the dryers to be done. Fold laundry, put it into the truck and head back to camp. We did this two days ago again and it worked like a charm.

Sometimes, on those trips to Blythe, we’ll bring an empty propane tank or two. My rig takes 5 gallon tanks and has two of them. I’m going through about one tank a week to run my refrigerator, heat water, fuel my stove, and run my heater, which I definitely need for at least part of the night.

We get water at the “Resort Store” in Ehrenberg, which is near the end of the gravel road between pavement and camp. For $2 we can fill as many water jugs as we have. I have four; Janet has at least four. We both have battery powered transfer pumps to lift the water from the 6 1/2-gallon jugs to our campers’ water tank fill ports. 26 gallons of water can last me about a week if I try hard to conserve. I don’t drink that water; it’s solely for washing. I buy bottled spring water by the gallon when shop for groceries and use that for drinking and cooking.

The Resort Store is also where we take our trash. There’s a big dumpster there. We weed out the aluminum cans and plastic bottles that can get cash refunds in California, which is only a mile away, and leave them in a box or bag beside the dumpster so folks who scavenge for cans don’t need to dumpster dive for ours. There is no recycle bin, but we burn most of our paper and cardboard waste when we start our evening campfire.

The Resort Store isn’t far from the post office where I rent a box every year. This enables me to get USPS, UPS, and FedEx packages. Whenever we get water, we visit the post office, too.

Occasionally, we’ll go into Quartzsite, AZ, which is about 30 miles east. I’ve written extensively about Quartzsite in this blog so I won’t go into detail here. It’s pretty dead in November and early December; it should start getting busy around Christmas time. If we go to Q (as we call it), we’ll get propane there; it’s a lot cheaper than in California. I also got a new battery and inverter setup for my utility trailer in Q; I’ll blog about that elsewhere.

Quartzsite is also where we dump our blackwater tanks, which is a chore I did just yesterday. Through various means of conservation, I can go a whole month between blackwater dumps — and no, it doesn’t smell.

Struck Truck
That back wheel was so dug in that the truck was sitting on the sand on its rear transfer case. I could turn the wheel by hand! Jacking up the truck and putting leveling blocks under that wheel was instrumental in getting it out.

We also occasionally go out into the desert to collect firewood. There are a lot of dead salt cedar and mesquite trees and Janet has a little battery-powered chainsaw that can cut through medium sized branches to make little logs. One day we used my truck to haul the wood out and I managed to get it stuck deep in the sand. After being told by a tow company that they needed a Jeep with a winch to get me out — at a cost of $500 — Steve and I managed to get it out with some jacking, digging, and a tug with a tow strap. Locking the hubs on the truck’s 4WD in 4-Low helped, too. (Duh.) Less than a week later, I used my truck to pull a Sprinter van out of another sandy spot nearby.

Getting Work Done

Janet is an artist who paints on feathers. (Her work is amazing; check out her Etsy shop and her website.) I’m a part-time jewelry artist. (My work is pretty good, too. Check it out in my Etsy shop and on my website.) Both of us planned to get work done while at camp. That’s why I’d set up my utility trailer with a jewelry shop and she brought along her studio trailer.

Our studios contain at least 90% of the materials and equipment we need to create. It’s just a matter of “unstowing” everything and setting up to work. Her studio is a converted travel trailer and has quite a bit of space. My utility trailer is small and relatively cramped, so part of my setup include erecting my show tent and setting up a table inside it do do soldering work. (I have a 6-minute video tour of my setup, but with the dismal connectivity I have out here in the desert, it would likely take all day to upload it.)

Janet and I mostly sell our work at art shows, although I also have relationships with a few galleries and we also both sell on Etsy. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has pretty much shut down the show circuit. The last show we did together was at White Tanks Regional Park in the Phoenix area at the end of last February; we were all set to do the Borrego Springs show in mid-March when they canceled it the day before setup. (We had already made the long drive there and weren’t happy about the last minute cancellation. I was especially unhappy because I was ready to go home at the end of February and that last show was the only thing keeping me in the area.) I did a few shows in Leavenworth, WA in July, September, and October. Janet did one in Fountain Hills, AZ in November, just before joining me in camp. Because her summer had been filled with other work (and play), she was low on some inventory. And because I’d shipped out a bunch of jewelry pieces to galleries in November, I was very low on inventory. We both needed to work.

And we do. I’d say we spend at least four hours a day at least five days a week in our shops getting new items made and ready to sell. I’ve started posting each week’s production on my jewelry website, with links back to my Etsy shop.

We also process incoming orders from Etsy. We each have printers to print labels and packing materials to package up and ship our products. I actually fill orders more quickly from here than I do from home. Go figure.


We also make time to play.

Because we have easy access to the backwater channel, we often go for a pedal/paddle (me) or row (Janet) in our boats. Janet, who likes to fish, will sometimes throw in a line. The other day, we took our boats and cameras up to the channel we camped on last year and pedaled/paddled/rowed there. I got some nice shots of egrets, herons, ospreys, and vultures. We even watched an osprey dive down into the water and take off with a fish.

I had my Nikon and 300mm lens with me on my most recent pedal/paddle and got a few nice shots of birds, like this egret.

One day when neither of us felt like working, we took a drive down the gravel road that goes past our camp all the way down to the Cibola Wildlife Refuge, which I’d visited a few years before. It’s where sandhill cranes spend the winter and there were certainly enough of them there. We also explored other possible camping areas, like a BLM campground on the California side that might be nice for a day or two.

We also goof off in Q. We took the bicycles in one day and rode around the town after picking up a few odds and ends from vendors that were set up early. Around Christmas time, Janet will be moving to Q for about a month to do a show there; I’m skipping it this year but may move out to the desert nearby for a few days during the height of the season there.

Side Trips

I did make time to visit some friends and go flying in the Mesa area near Phoenix earlier this month.

My friends own a flight school and offered me a reasonable deal on renting their R44. I was eager to get some video footage for the FlyingMAir YouTube channel. I did two flights over two days and spent two nights in my friends’ very comfortable guest room.

I’ll go back again later in the season, when I’m done camping in this area and begin a more nomadic phase of my winter travels. It’s a long drive from here to Mesa — nearly 3 hours. I did (finally) visit a Trader Joe’s on my way back. I also picked up a few things I needed to better secure items in my utility trailer when I’m in transit.

A Month Already!

That basically sums up the first month of my snowbirding activities for the 2020/2021 season.

Although Janet will likely leave in about a week, I’ll remain here for a while longer. I’ll probably walk less and work more, with fewer campfires and more writing. Maybe I’ll even get around to editing some of the video I captured on my two flights earlier this month.

I’m hoping that someone we met earlier this month will return from his holiday travels and share the camp with me for a few days. We need to talk boats. ‘Nuff said.

I’ll try to upload “Postcards” as I did last year. No promises. I’m keeping pretty busy — maybe too busy to blog? — and like it!

Snowbirding 2020 Postcards: Jet on a Truck Trailer

Well, okay.

Quartzsite used to have an airport that was on aeronautical charts. Trouble is, it had a bit of a dogleg in the runway and a road crossed it. The story I heard is that a landing (or departing?) airplane hit a car that was crossing the runway as the plane was landing (or taking off). No one was hurt but the plane was damaged and the airport closed down.

Nowadays, there’s a dirt runway across the freeway and slightly west of that old airport site. It’s not on any chart, but it does have a few hangars and at least one windsock. And some planes that aren’t going anywhere soon, including this one.

Plane on Trailer
Not something you see every day. (It’s a Lear jet.)

I have some video I’ll likely compile into something for YouTube when I get home. I’ll try to remember to link to it here.