Eating for Health: The Mediterranean Diet

I change the way I eat in an attempt to head off health problems.

Last week I went for my annual check up. There was nothing new to report: I still had high blood pressure (which I’ve had for at least 15 years). I did manage to shrink a bit more — no matter how tall I tried to stand against the measuring do-dad, my height came out to 5′ 7-1/4″ instead of the 5′ 8″ on my driver’s license and elsewhere. The scale reported that I was about 5 pounds heavier with my clothes on than I had been that morning at home with my clothes off. Neither number was very good.

I chatted with the nurse about weight. As I’m aging, I’m feeling the affects of having to carry around more weight than I should. I told her about my experience with Medifast, which I blogged about here, and how I was not interested in eating fake food for the rest of my life. She told me about her experience with the Mediterranean Diet and highly recommended it. A while later, the doctor did, too.

This isn’t the first time healthcare professionals have recommended the Mediterranean diet. I’d been advised to try it before. And I did get a book full of recipes to learn more about it. But, in all honesty, I didn’t think it was that different from the way I usually eat. You see, I don’t eat a lot of processed/prepared foods and I don’t have junk food snacks in my pantry. I already have a somewhat “healthy” diet.

Mediterranean Diet Pyramid
Search Google for “Mediterranean Diet Pyramid” and lots of versions will come up. This one is from an article on the America’s Test Kitchen website; check it out to see a larger version and explanation.

This time, however, I decided to take a closer look. The Mediterranean diet isn’t about weight loss as much as it’s about developing and maintaining healthy eating habits. It tries to condition you to make good food choices so you can stick to it for the rest of your life — which is exactly what I need and want. (I’m done with lose-weight-quick diets that promise you’ll lose weight if you just eat some ridiculous combination of foods that don’t make up a healthy balanced diet.) It presents a food pyramid that’s remarkably different from the one established by the FDA — it pushes lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and severely limits red meats and sugary snacks and deserts. I could eat things like bread and pasta and rice (in moderation, of course) — which are verboten on so many weight loss diets. I could also eat lots of beans, fruits, and vegetables, which I actually like. The main change would be a reduction in meat and an increase in fish — and I have to admit that I’d already eat more fish if there was a decent fish market within driving distance of where I live.

Easy Mediterranean Diet Book
I might call this book “Mediterranean Diet for Morons” since it’s so damn easy to follow.

I decided to give it a try. But because my bigger problem is portion control, I thought I’d try it with a guide that included recipes and meal plans that made it easy for me to eat the right things without over eating. I wound up with The Easy Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan, which includes four weeks of meal plans with recipes and weekly shopping lists. I bought the Kindle version, which was only $6.99, so I could easily consult it anywhere on my iPad.

After reading up on the “good food” vs “bad food,” I paged ahead to the first week’s shopping list and dutifully added all the items I didn’t already have on hand to the shopping list in my phone. Although I’d planned on going food shopping this morning (Sunday), it was a good thing I had the list with me on Friday when I happened to be in town after a trip with a friend up to Twisp; I put on my mask and braved the Fred Meyer supermarket in mid afternoon to get what I needed. I don’t think I’ve ever spent so much time in the produce department in my life. I wound up with a ton of veggies, many of which — like kale and fennel (anise) — are not normally part of my diet. I had trouble stuffing them all into my fridge.

Here’s some of my haul from Friday’s trip to Fred Meyer. Kale, peppers, celery, and fennel were four veggies I seldom buy.

I spent Friday evening and all day Saturday trying to eat up the leftovers I’d accumulated during the week. (I hate throwing away food.) Then I went through my pantry and pulled out food items that I shouldn’t eat, just so they wouldn’t tempt me. I made two bags: one to store down in a box in my garage because I’d likely eat them again (in moderation) when my one-month trial was over and another to hand off to a neighbor because I was unlikely to eat them ever again. This process actually surprised me because I found that most of the stuff in my pantry was food that was okay on the Mediterranean Diet. (As I said earlier, my normal diet isn’t that different from this one.)

I also made the “cold cooked” oatmeal and quinoa dish that would be my breakfast for the next two days. (I ate it a little while ago with 2 ounces of fresh raspberries on top and it was very tasty.)

I discovered that all of the recipes in the cookbook made four servings. That meant I needed to cut them in half or fourths, depending on whether I was supposed to eat them for two or one meal. (Of course, this also meant that I bought too much food; I’m hoping some of it will last beyond the first week. If not, my chickens will get some good treats at the end of this week and I’ll shop more carefully next time.)

Food Rules
I should point out here that the Mediterranean Diet offers the same advice as Michael Pollan in his book, Food Rules. The main takeaway of that book is “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” I highly recommend the book if you’re interested in a quick, easy read that’ll help you eat healthier.

Anyway, the main challenge this first week is to keep my snacking under control between meals. I’m using my usual calorie counting app to keep track of what I eat and that’ll help keep me focused. Once I get into the swing of things, I should do fine. After all, I managed to stick to Medifast, which was quite difficult, for nearly 4 months. If I can do that, this should be a piece of cake.

(Or maybe a stick of celery, since cake isn’t on the list of “good food.”)

I’ll let you know how I do.

In the meantime, why not take a look at your own situation? Could you benefit from a better diet with healthier food? Or some of the other philosophies of a diet like the Mediterranean, which I didn’t even cover here: slowing down, taking time to prepare your food, enjoying meals at a table with your family and no screens? Be objective in your evaluation. Maybe it’s time for you to start thinking more about how what you eat and how you eat it affects your health. You never know.

My COVID-19 Test Experience

I get tested and wonder why I bothered.

From the Center for Disease Control (CDC):

People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

This list does not include all possible symptoms. CDC will continue to update this list as we learn more about COVID-19.

Let’s be honest: COVID-19 has a lot of potential symptoms, some of which a normal person might have in a normal life, even without actually having the virus (or any serious illness at all).

After getting over a sinus infection that hit me hard in mid-February, I suffered from an on-again-off-again symptoms, including a dry cough, muscle aches and pains, headaches, nasal congestion/runny nose, and fatigue. My body temperature, which has always been a little low, was all over the place — until I discovered that my Kinsa bluetooth thermometer was FUBAR. Its warranty replacement gave more realistic readings that sometimes were a bit on the high side (for me, anyway). A pulse oximeter that I’d purchased to monitor blood oxygen levels gave me readings as low as 95%, which is the bottom end of what’s acceptable — the days with low readings matched the days I was completely wiped out with fatigue. I’d feel like total crap one day and perfectly fine two days later.

You might think I was entering the land of hypochondria and maybe I was. But to further confuse the issue, there were a lot of folks who tested positive for COVID-19 and had no symptoms at all. Or minor symptoms.

Could I be one of those people?

The Local Situation

You got a problem with my characterization of people who refuse to wear masks? Please leave a long and detailed comment for this blog post. The longer, the better. I love deleting the long rants you people leave to showcase your ignorance, stupidity, and often illiteracy. It takes me just a second to delete something that it likely took you a half hour to compose — and that’s exactly what I’m laughing about when I click the Delete button to send your hard work into cyberspace oblivion. Read the site Comment Policy to learn more.

Meanwhile, COVID-19 was taking off in the area where I live. I monitor the local case counts on the local newspaper, the Wenatchee World, website. We were not “flattening the curve.” In fact, case counts were rising steadily in the area. That came as no surprise to me, since this is the red side of a blue state and too many Fox News-brainwashed Trump voters were refusing to wear masks in public and pretty much carrying on as if there were no worldwide health emergency. I, for one, am completely sick of people trying to turn a health issue into a political issue, but here we are.

Total Cases NCW Chelan County COVID Cases
Graphic representation of new cases in North Central Washington (left) and Chelan County (right).

Of course, it didn’t help much that I occasionally did get out and about among people who refused to wear masks. Although I limit my grocery shopping to just once every two weeks or so, I’ve seen enough supermarket employees and customers not wearing masks to know that any one of them could have infected something in my cart or the very air I walked through on my way to grab a half gallon of milk. Ditto for the few other shops I visited on my early morning forays into the world beyond my neighborhood. Like my brother says — and I fully believe — we’re all going to get it sooner or later. Although I’d like to put off my bout with COVID-19 until they have better data on the virus, treatments, and vaccines, for all I knew, I could already have a mild or asymptomatic case.

So I went for a test.

The Test

I made a few phone calls and was finally connected to the Confluence Health COVID-19 Response Team. (If you’re local, call 509-663-8711 and press 1 when prompted.) I was asked about symptoms and I gave them my on-again-off-again symptom list. They gave me the address of a drive up testing facility in Wenatchee about 12 miles from my home.

My sister, who lives in Florida, had warned me that it was common for folks there to wait 8 hours or more in their cars, only to be sent home when the testing place closed before their turn. Because of that, I asked about lines. I was told that the lines were shortest early in the day, right after they opened at 9. So rather than go the day I called, I went the next morning (Thursday), driving into what turned out to be a closed bank parking lot. The testing was set up at what had been drive-up banking lanes.

COVID Testing
A team of nurses stands by with computers to perform COVID-19 tests at a closed bank’s drive-up banking lanes in Wenatchee, WA.

I was the only car there.

It was a gorgeous day and I’d driven in my old Honda S2000 with the top down. My pups were in the passenger seat beside me. I figured the low convertible would be easier for the testers and I think it was.

They took my name and date of birth and found my record. They asked about symptoms and I told them the same thing I’d told the person on the phone.

Then one nurse handed me a bunch of Kleenex while another one came at me with a swab on a long stick. I moved my mask away from my nose, keeping my mouth covered, and she inserted the swab into one nostril. I’d been prepared for what I knew would be unpleasant, but this was worse than I imagined. It didn’t hurt, but it sure was uncomfortable. I was convinced she was trying to swab my brain. And it didn’t help that the dogs decided that was a good time to jump on my lap and chest.

I actually tried to get my head away from her — the car’s headrest made that impossible though — before she finally reached her target and pulled out the swab. It still felt as if the swab was in there. My nose was immediately all sniffly and I was glad for the tissues. I blew my nose and saw some blood on the tissue, but not enough to whine about.

“You’ll have your results in 24 to 48 hours,” she told me after securing the sample in a vial.

“You’ll call?” I asked.

“It’ll be on your MyChart,” she told me.

MyChart is my healthcare provider’s attempt to provide service without directly contacting patients. They put messages and test results there that I never see or hear about because I never think to look there for communication. I hate MyChart and turned it off.

“I don’t use MyChart,” I told her. “I need someone to call. Leave a message if I don’t answer.” (The chances of me not answering my phone during cherry season are slim to none.)

“Okay,” she assured me.

“Positive or negative, right?”

“Yes. If you don’t hear from us in 48 hours, call.”

I thanked her and drove off. I’d feel as if I had a swab up my nose for the rest of the day.

The Results

Blueberry Zucchini Cake
Blueberry Zucchini cake, made from scratch (including the lemon buttercream icing). I picked (and froze) the blueberries last year. The zucchini is from my garden. Tip: any cake recipe you find that includes zucchini will stay moist and fresh a long time. It doesn’t taste at all like zucchini.

Time passed. I didn’t feel any different. I did a lot of work around the yard and garden. I finished a piece of jewelry that had been torturing me with difficult solder joins. I hopped on my ATV and applied weed spray from a 25 gallon tank on 1-1/2 miles of neighborhood road. I did my cherry drying billing and wrote checks for my pilots. I made a cake.

I made the cake on Sunday, which was more than 48 hours after the test. I hadn’t heard anything and couldn’t check MyChart because it had been disabled by Confluence Health at my request. So I had this giant cake and I wanted to share it with neighbors. But what if the results came back and I had the virus? My cake could potentially infect my friends.

It was a big cake.

So I called Confluence Health on Sunday, waited on hold long enough that I thought perhaps their phone tree didn’t know they were closed, and finally got an answer from a woman who sounded very stressed. I told her my results were overdue.

“Well, some of the tests are taking longer than 48 hours,” she told me.

I tried not to get angry about that. I live in a world where I routinely overstate how long something takes so when I deliver more quickly, people are grateful.

She took my name and date of birth and found my record. “Are you still coughing?” she asked.


“Yes,” she said. “You told them you had a cough.”

“I have a lot of symptoms that come and go,” I told her. “I explained that to them on the phone and in person.”

“Well, do you still have them?”

“They come and go,” I repeated, wondering what I was saying that she didn’t understand.

“Well, your test results were negative, but there is a chance of false negatives so if you’re still having symptoms you should isolate until 48 hours after all symptoms are gone.”

I didn’t know what to say to that. As I’ve already mentioned above, the symptoms I was having could be symptoms of anything. Hell, aches and pains could be a symptom of being in my 50s and doing too much work in the yard.

I realized that I was no better off than I had been before I’d taken the test. I found myself almost wishing the results had been positive so at least I knew what the symptoms were from and that there was a good chance I was one of the lucky ones who didn’t get very sick from the virus.

I thanked her and hung up.

I started making arrangements with neighbors to drop off huge hunks of that delicious cake.

My Conclusions

After all this, I do have some conclusions.

  • The test is extremely unpleasant, but it is quick and literally painless. If you can get tested, do it. I’m a firm believer that we all should get tested if we can.
  • The test only tells you what your situation is on the day you took the test. If it comes out negative, that doesn’t mean you can’t get infected the day after the test. And since false negatives (and perhaps false positives?) are possible, I’m not sure how useful it is. (Still, see the previous point.)
  • Some symptoms are a better indicator of infection than others. Apparently, 70% of all positive cases also suffer from loss of smell or taste. (I got that on NPR the other day but I’m too lazy to track down the actual news story right now.)
  • We have a lot to learn about the virus. The only way we can learn that is to test people and closely monitor symptoms of those who test positive, even if they are asymptomatic. (See the first point.)

COVID-19 Cases by Country
COVID-19 cases by country per the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Dashboard.

The situation is worsening in this country, as well as other countries where those at the head of government are not properly advising the populace and setting up a workable plan to fight infection. It’s not just Trump in the United States, but it’s also Johnson in the United Kingdom and Bolsanaro in Brazil. These people are turning a health issue into a political issue — when it so clearly isn’t. Meanwhile, other countries with leaders who are willing to listen to scientists and doctors — like Ardern in New Zealand — are beating the virus back and restoring their economies.

We need a uniting force at the head of our government to bring us together to fight the threat. Until we have that in this country, masks, closures, unemployment, illnesses, and death will be the new normal.

My Life During the Coronavirus Age

Life isn’t that different for some of us.

As COVID-19 continues to rage throughout most of the world — with the notable exception of New Zealand these days — I’ve been doing what I can to avoid getting the virus and, if I have a mild, undiagnosed case, prevent spreading it.


The primary way I “stay safe” is to stay home as much as possible. This isn’t difficult because I don’t have anywhere else I need to go other than the supermarket or other shops to get necessities.

For grocery shopping, I occasionally use the pickup service at Fred Meyer, which enables me to place a grocery order and pick it up in a predetermined time slot. If I do go to the store in person, I go in the morning, right after it opens, and I wear a mask.

Wear a mask.

For the folks who can’t be bothered to wear a mask indoors in public places, I say fuck you.

People who wear masks do so to protect others, including you. The very least you can do is wear a mask to protect them.

No excuses. Wear a fucking mask.

Until recently, more than half the customers were wearing masks when I shopped, but things have slacked off here. What bothers me more is that although the store employees are required to wear masks, about half of them do not cover their noses. This includes the checkout staff, who touch everyone’s food and money. On a recent trip, I brought my own bags, which they refuse to pack, specifically so they wouldn’t touch my food more than they had to. When the girl who does the packing — who had a loose-fitting mask that didn’t cover her nose — started handing me my groceries, I told her pointedly not to touch my stuff. I don’t care if she was offended; if she can’t wear her mask properly, she shouldn’t be touching anything.

I’ve been working on various yard projects that need building materials. Every time I needed something, I’d place an order at Home Depot or Lowes and go pick it up. I quickly learned that Home Depot didn’t get it; they required me to go into the store and wait on line to pick up my lumber order; clearly this could have been handled curbside. When they refused to let me exit through the closest door, thus forcing me to walk through the crowded checkout area where no one was wearing masks, I decided that I didn’t need to shop at Home Depot anymore. Lowes had better pickup systems in place and that’s where I now shop for lumber and garden supplies.

Pressure Reducer
I finally put a good pressure reducer on my garden hydrant, which has unregulated pressure over 100 psi.

I had to visit an irrigation supply store to pick up a pressure reducer for my irrigation system and was pleased to see that they were limiting the number of people inside the shop to the number of sales folks they had. The waiting spots outside were marked with tape 6 feet apart. Because the line was outdoors and spaced properly, I wasn’t wearing my mask. Some jackass parked, got out of his SUV, and stood right next to me. He wasn’t wearing a mask. “It’s all a hoax,” he said to me. I looked at him, said “Sure,” and moved six feet away. I was glad when it was my turn to go in.

I have had to meet with clients to pick up checks or maps. One of them handed me a mask when I came into his office; I’d left mine in the truck because it was supposed to be a quick stop. The next time I visited, I wore mine and I know he appreciated it.

(I should note here that since beginning this blog post in mid-June, Washington is now under a mandatory mask order. As you might expect, the brainwashed, flag-waving Fox News viewers around here are already screaming bloody murder about that. I don’t care. I’ll wear mine in public, walk out of stores where people aren’t wearing them, and spend the vast majority of my time at home.)

Social Isolation

The “social isolation” that so many folks are having trouble dealing with isn’t a bother at all to me. I’ve been living alone nearly full-time since May 2012 and, before that, was alone for one quarter to half the time for the previous 14 years because of either my wasband’s extensive travel schedule or mine. I’m not only used to being alone, but I enjoy it. I make my own flexible schedule and get a lot done. I’m free to do what I like when I want to do it, whether it’s mealtime, spontaneous trips, or just going to bed early once in a while.

And are we really socially isolated? Most folks are stuck at home with their families — and I pity them; at this point in my life I’d go nuts if I were stuck at home with anyone. Those of us who live alone can still communicate with friends and family members via telephone, text, and Skype/Zoom calls. I’ve always been active on Twitter, which I’ve considered my “office water cooler” for years; I’ve actually become closer to Twitter friends. I’ve participated in more than a few Zoom gatherings in the past few months where I’m able to socialize with people from all over the world. (Well, mostly the US, Canada, and UK.)

For personal contact, I still meet up with folks who are following the same precautions I am — mostly neighbors and a few smart friends. Before cherry season started, we met up once in a while for an afternoon glass of wine. Alcohol is out of the question for me until August, so our meetups have been less structured, but that’s okay. Because of the limited number of folks in my neighborhood and the simple fact that we all have the same sort of work-at-home lifestyle, I don’t feel worried when I’m visiting any of them. We’re not dumb and we’re all doing our best to avoid infection.


Sunset Out Front
My pups go out for a walk on the front lawn before bed. We’ve been having some awesome sunsets lately.

Virus lockdowns haven’t affected me nearly as much as many other people. Although it has pretty much dried up two of my revenue streams — AirBnB management and jewelry sales — my primary source of income — drying cherry trees with my helicopter after it rains — has not been affected at all. So while I’ll take a revenue hit this year, it won’t be much of a burden.

I realize that I’m extremely fortunate to be in this situation, but I also know that it’s not just “luck” that put me here. After 30+ years being self-employed, I learned the importance of multiple revenue streams. I don’t think a year has gone by when all my income came from just one source. The benefit is that if one or two revenue streams dry up, I still have money coming in from other places and work I do. This year, I added a website client for the first time in at least 10 years; it isn’t much money overall, but it’s a nice replacement for my AirBnB revenue stream.

I’m also well insulated against financial hardship because I carry very little debt. My home is paid for; the loan on my truck will be paid off within the next year. (I’m actually tripling payments on it now with the goal of having it paid up by December.) I have a small loan on the land I live on and am doubling payments on that to get that paid off quickly, too. That’s it. I have no credit card debt or any other debt.

One thing I learned early in life — which was reinforced during my relationship with a man who just didn’t “get it” — is that when you have a lot of debt, you become a slave to it. How can you take the risk of starting a new job or career or business when you need the income from the job you have to keep your head above water? When you need every paycheck to pay bills or maintain a certain (possibly extravagant) lifestyle, how can you break free if you want to? The answer is, you can’t. And if that job evaporates, you’re pretty much sunk, possibly stuck with taking a less desirable job with a smaller paycheck that does little to relieve the stress of all those bills. I saw it happen over and over in the last years of my marriage.

I think a lot of folks are going through that now and I feel bad for them. Some honestly can’t help it because of personal or family circumstances that they really can’t control. But I’m equally sure that others could have softened the blow by staying out of the deep debt trap. The key is living a life that’s well within your means and saving what you don’t need to spend. Saving for a rainy day make sense when the rain comes.

Sorry to lecture but this is something that I’ve always felt strongly about. My wasband’s inability to live within his means trapped him in a series of jobs he didn’t really like, making him a bitter old man who blamed me for his unhappiness later in life. I have to wonder how many relationships in this country are similarly torn apart by a simple lack of financial wisdom on the part of one or both partners.

Killing Time

Drying Cherries
I’ve been out drying cherries a few times since my season started in late May. You can watch the video for this flight here.

Overall, my life in the Coronavirus Age isn’t very different from what it was before that. After all, every summer is pretty much the same: organize cherry drying contracts, get together a team of pilots, and hang around at or near my home, on call during daylight hours for about two and a half months, waiting for calls after it rains. I’ve got a total of four guys working with me this year, all with R44s. It’s a good team of professional pilots and, so far, my clients have been very happy with our service.

Here’s some of June’s harvest. I got an early start on my garden and have been eating food I’ve grown since the beginning of the month.

Since I’m stuck at home, I spend a lot of time on home projects. This year, my garden is bigger and better than ever, finally set up with eleven neatly placed plastic cherry bins as raised planter beds. I replaced the border around the gravel part of my gravel parking apron. I planted more trees and put them on irrigation. I moved my bee yard closer to my house, caught three bee swarms, and put two more bee packages into new homes. I’m finally getting around to finishing the stairwell in my entry area. I replaced my Wink home automation hub with a SmartThings hub. I sold a bunch of beekeeping equipment I didn’t need anymore. I’ve done my duty as a weed spray person for the association and used my DR mower to help a neighbor get rid of weeds along her 1/3 mile long driveway.

Bighorn Sheep
Being home all the time makes it tough to miss when the local bighorn sheep come down off the cliffs and graze in my yard. I took this photo yesterday from my deck.

I’m also making videos for the FlyingMAir YouTube channel. Cherry drying videos, tour videos, 360° videos, cross country flight videos. Videos of me moving the helicopter from the airport to my landing zone or from my landing zone to an orchard. YouTube has become a small revenue stream for me, but it’s unforgiving: disappoint your audience and you’ll lose them. It’s a lot of work.

Cherry season will end in the middle of August. Unless things get dire, I’ll take my usual week-long trip to celebrate the end of the season. This year, I think I’ll camp with my pups in my truck camper with my little boat at Banks Lake. I might ask a friend of mine to join me with his dog.

I do have some dates scheduled to sell my jewelry at Leavenworth’s Village Art in the Park, which has started up with a lot of restrictions. I think I have four weekends scheduled between the middle of August until the middle of October. We’ll see if they actually happen.

I’ve also booked a trip to Alaska in September, but as the virus situation worsens, I’m having second thoughts. I might cancel or at least put it off until next year.

I am having serious concerns about my winter travels. I normally go south to Arizona, where I camp with friends and travel around a bit, soaking up sun when there’s very little at home. But Arizona — with its flag-waving Fox News viewers — is apparently in denial about the virus and has become a hot spot. I only have one art show scheduled there so far — and I haven’t paid for my booth yet — so it’s easy enough for me to skip it this year. But where would I go? With the helicopter going in for overhaul this winter, I’m on a bit of a budget. Camping out in the desert would be cheap and safe, but I honestly don’t think I could do it for three months straight. I’ll take a wait-and-see approach.

Another Awesome Sunset
Did I mention the awesome sunsets we’ve been having lately? Look closely and you’ll see four of the helicopters on this year’s team of pilots.

Life Goes On

Like most of Americans — hell, most of people all over the world — I’m looking forward to a day when an effective vaccine and treatment is widely available. I wish my fellow Americans would stop whining and complaining and start taking the virus seriously. Wear a mask. Stay out of large gatherings. Wash your hands and your clothes after being exposed to others. Eventually, we’ll lick this thing and life will go back to normal. We all have to do our part.

And that’s basically it. My life hasn’t changed substantially since I normally work at/from home and have a solitary lifestyle. I’m not taking a serious financial hit. I’m one of the “lucky” ones, I guess.

But we all know that we make our own luck.