I battle a cold while I travel.
There’s not much that’s worse than having a cold when you’re on the road. Having a drippy runny nose and a mild cough when you’re forced to cover hundreds of miles in less than perfect driving conditions. Feeling your nose get raw as you try to soak up all that watery snot with whatever paper products are available. Feeling ever muscle in your body ache when you get out to refuel. Ugh.
That was me on the second day of my trip. The drip started slowly but was in full faucet mode by the time I reached Las Vegas and set up “camp” at the KOA. The only medicine I had was Benadryl and I took it. I got plenty of rest but the cold was worse the next day. I drove with the tissue box beside me.
My first stop in Wickenburg on Thursday was the local CVS pharmacy. That’s where I bought my preferred cold remedy: Alka-Seltzer Plus Day/Night. Plop plop fizz fizz. This stuff calms cold symptoms so I can do what I have to do during the day and sleep like the dead at night.
And I really did need this stuff. On arrival in Wickenburg, I almost immediately had to set up my jewelry booth at my first show of the season. When I was finished near sunset, I went back to my camper, dosed up, and passed out — which is exactly what I needed to do.
The next day — Friday — my cold peaked. I could tell it had reached its absolute worst point. At one point, I actually fell asleep sitting in my booth. I had enough energy to join my friends for grilled salmon at our campers before repeating my evening ritual. I was dead asleep by 8 PM.
I was over the hump on Saturday with a nasty headache but clear sinuses. Ibuprofen with my daytime dose had me fully functional for the second day of the show. I was even able to make three pendants, including a custom pendant for a customer.
As I type this Sunday morning, I’m back to 90% of what I should be. I’ll continue taking it easy for the next few days to avoid a relapse.
Was the show worthwhile for you?
I love your postcards.
Question answered!
I’m trying hard to do postcards daily. I used to be able to do them from my phone with the WordPress app, but for some reason, I can’t get that to work anymore.