Autumn 2018 Trip Postcards: The Berlin Wall

The Newseum, a museum in Washington DC devoted to the first amendment and freedom of the press, has the largest collection of Berlin Wall pieces outside of Germany. It also has a great exhibit about the Berlin Wall. Here are some photos.

Berlin Wall section slabs.

The Berlin Wall section slabs are lined up as they would appear from the West Berlin side.

Close up of Berlin Wall section slabs.

The West Berlin side of the wall was heavily graffitied.

Berlin Wall watch tower.

The exhibit at the Newseum includes one of nearly 300 watchtowers built along the wall. It’s actually a bit shorter here than it originally was. They literally built the Newseum building are pins the exhibit.

East side of Berlin Wall.

The east side of the Berlin Wall is clear of graffiti. It simply wasn’t accessible to people on the east side.

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4 thoughts on “Autumn 2018 Trip Postcards: The Berlin Wall

  1. Wow! When I was in college, I remember standing on a elevated platform in West Berlin looking over the wall at “no man’s land” (space between the walls) and into East Berlin. (Okay, I just gave away my age.) It was a moving experience. I had heard about the wall when it went up and would see news stories about it on occasion, but this was staring reality right in the face. I thought about all of those people who were living on the other side and trapped behind it. It made me sad and also feel how lucky I was, simply through an accident of birth, that I lived in the USA.

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