My MATE Bike: The Wait is Finally Over

It’s a nice bike, but I honestly can’t recommend it. Here’s why.

Way back in September 2016, I blogged about ordering a MATE foldable electric assist bicycle. It was offered through an Indiegogo crowd funding project. The makers wanted to raise $60,000. They wound up raising over $6.1 million.

From Copenhagen my ass
The Overview of MATE’s Indiegogo campaign, which still appears on the Indiegogo site. From Copenhagen? Not exactly.

And that’s where everything went south.

The Delays

If you’ve come to read a review and don’t want to read my whining complaints about delays, damaged parts, and customer service issues, click here to skip ahead. But if you want the whole story from an actual funder, keep reading.

You see, they sold a lot of bikes — apparently enough to make them cheaper in China. So they sent the project there and spent months working with a Chinese manufacturer to get the bikes made. This added huge delays to the project. I was originally supposed to get my bike in September or October 2016, which would have been in time for my annual migration south. But instead of a bike, I got numerous progress report emails that apparently went out to everyone in my situation all over the world. Emails about new features available. Emails about working through design bugs. Emails about picking a color. Every few weeks, there would be another one, but none of them would specify a delivery date.

I went online when directed and set up an account on the Mate website. I picked a color (red). I changed my shipping address to where I’d be that winter. Later, when I left Arizona, I changed my address back to my home address. I reviewed my invoice to see if I had to pay any VAT tax (I didn’t) and tried to understand the confusing instructions about finalizing payment (I had paid in advance — over $1,000).

Months went by. When the emails came, I’d scan them to see if there was any delivery date. There wasn’t. These people wasted a lot of words on email messages that talked a lot about progress but delivered nothing.

I emailed them. I got canned responses about them being busy dealing with the amazing response to their incredible bike. I seldom got any response from a real person and, when I did, it didn’t answer my questions about when the bike would arrive.

After a while, I started to think the whole thing was a con. I contacted a friend of mine in New York who had bought one. He didn’t have any more information than I had.

More Problems with Shipping

Finally, in August 2017 — yes, eleven months later and at least nine months after the the original expected ship date — my bike was shipped. I got an email message about it and was hopeful. But if I’d read the message more closely, I would have anticipated the phone call I got from my friend in Arizona. The bike had been shipped to his house.

I went online. I looked at my record on their website. There was a billing address and a shipping address. My address in Washington appeared in both places. The Arizona address did not appear anywhere.

But now there was a 50+ pound box for me sitting in Arizona.

By some miracle I was able to get someone in MATE’s Customer Service who put me in touch with a woman in California who dealt with shipping. She had a Chinese accent. I suspect that she worked as a shipping agent for the Chinese manufacturer. She was very apologetic. After some back and forth by phone and email, she sent me a PDF for a UPS shipping label. I sent it to my friend. He printed it, stuck it on the box, and brought it to UPS for me.

“By the way,” he told me in a text, “the box is pretty beat up.”

Mate Shipping Box
My MATE finally arrived at my home in August, eleven months after paying for it.

The box was still beat up when it arrived and I made sure the UPS driver noted the damage. I took a photo of it before I opened it. The brown outer box fit snugly around a MATE inner box — the same kind of packaging Apple uses to ship computers. That inner box had some dings but nothing had fallen out.

A Damaged Part

The next day, I set about assembling the bike. It was mostly assembled; just a few pieces had to be put on. Putting on the front tire was Step 1. For some reason, however, I couldn’t get it on.

That’s when I realized that the front fork was bent. Badly. As if it had been crushed.

In all fairness, the packing job looked good. There was lots of foam and everything was secured with plastic wire ties. Everything fit tightly in the box; nothing had rattled around during shipment.

The damage to my fork, however, had likely been caused by a crushing weight. Whether it happened before the bike was packed or when it was put into the container or while it was moving across the ocean or when it was removed from the container or when FedEx or UPS shipped to to my friend or me is something I’ll never know. And frankly, I don’t care. The bike arrived damaged and was useless.

Knowing how bad MATE’s customer service was, I took the bike to two bike shops in Wenatchee to see if they could fix the fork. Biking is a big sport here and we have two excellent bike shops right in town. They both said the same thing: the fork was too badly bent and I needed a new one.


I contacted my friend in New York. His bike had arrived damaged, too, but not as badly as mine. They’d been able to get the wheel on, but he admitted that it had been wobbly. I don’t think he was impressed.

Of course, there was no customer service phone number. The woman I’d worked with on the shipping issue could not help. I emailed MATE. About a week later, I got a message telling me to fill out a form on their website. I did.

Then I waited.

And waited.

I went online and filled out another form. I included photos of the damaged fork, as instructed. And I waited.

And waited.

I started sending emails to the same address I’d been communicating with. I got no response. None.

Meanwhile, I’d begun following @Mate_Bike on Twitter. When someone tweeted a photo of their new headquarters with a bunch of MATE bikes parked out front, I went ballistic. I’d helped pay for those headquarters and I had nothing to show for it other than a bike I couldn’t assemble. I tweeted a nasty response.

Any time @Mate_Bike retweeted someone’s praise for the bike, I’d reply that they were lucky to get one that worked. I was going to be the squeaky wheel, making sure that other folks knew about the crappy customer service I’d been getting.

And it worked. After a few tweets, I got a direct message (private tweet) from MATE. They were looking into my problem.

More time went by. I kept tweeting. I began using direct messages to nag them. I still can’t believe it was necessary to be such a whiney bitch.

But it was apparently the only thing that worked. I finally got a message saying the part had been shipped. I asked several times for a tracking number and after a week or so they sent me one.

And then, two full months after the bike arrived damaged, the new fork arrived.

Yes, I waited two months for them to replace a damaged part.


I took the bike, which was back in its box, and the new fork to one of the bike shops in town and told them to assemble it for me. I was tired of screwing around with it. If there were problems with other parts — which was possible since I hadn’t been able to get past step 1 of the assembly instructions — I hoped they could deal with it.

They did. The fork arrived partially crushed but they were able to repair it well enough to put it on the bike. They got the bike assembled and even took it for a test ride, although they didn’t seem able to figure out how to get the motor running. (They thought that something needed to be in the USB port on the computer to turn it on; in reality, the port is provided to provide battery power to a mobile phone or other device.) They did, however, charge it up for me. So when I returned the next day, in pouring rain, I had a working bike.

Not a moment too soon. It was Friday. I was due to leave on my two-week autumn vacation south on Sunday. One purpose of the trip was to reposition my truck and camper in Arizona for the winter. If I didn’t get the bike on board my truck before I left, I wouldn’t have it with me for my big winter vacation.

Of course, it was raining like hell all day Friday so the only place I could test ride it was inside my garage. My garage is big, but not really big enough to test out a bike. Because I was kinda sorta hoping to leave on Saturday, I folded the bike up and packed it in the truck that morning.

First Test Ride

It wasn’t until Monday, at an autumn leaf strewn campground along the Salmon River in Idaho that I got a chance to finally test it out. The campground roads were paved and there was only one other camper around. I pulled it out of the truck, unfolded it, inserted the key in the lock, and turned it on. I turned on the computer display. I got on and started to pedal.

The electric assist gave me a little push between pedals. I dialed it up to help more and it did. I dialed it down to help less and it did. I used the “throttle” lever and let the electric motor do all the work.

Yes, the bike worked as advertised. And from what I’d seen so far, I liked it.

Mate Bike
Here’s my MATE bike, parked after my first real ride in an Idaho campground. Does that look red to you?

Of course, I couldn’t seem to set the on board computer to display distance in miles instead of kilometers. I tweeted to MATE about that and was shocked to get a fast response with an image laying down step-by-step instructions for getting the job done. When I finally got around to trying them a few days later, they worked. (Unfortunately, when I tried them again to change the bike’s maximum speed, I couldn’t get back into the settings. I shut the bike down with the key and tried again in the morning; it worked. Go figure.)

The Big Test Ride

I put the bike through its paces on Sunday. I was winding up the traveling portion of my vacation and my last night on the road was in Natural lBridges National Monument in Utah. I found a campsite in their very pleasant campground but the parking area was so small I had to unhitch the boat I’d been towing for the past week and leave it parked on a gravel area near one of the restrooms just so I could back the camper in. Once I was parked and semi leveled, I wasn’t interested in moving the camper. So I decided to take a bike ride through the park. I knew there was a paved loop road with overlooks and figured that the bike should be able to handle it.

When my campground neighbor saw me getting on the bike with Penny in my backpack, he asked if I was doing the loop road. I told him I was.

“It’s nine miles long,” he told me. “And it has some pretty steep hills.”

I told him the bike had electric assist and should be able to do it. I sure hoped it would. The return trip was uphill and I had no desire to walk several miles rolling a bike with a dog on my back.

It didn’t take long to fully understand the power assist feature. It has six levels of assistance: 0 (none) to 5 (the most). It seemed to work at certain speeds (depending on the setting) when I pedaled down on the left pedal. So it was like a pulsing timed with my pedaling. Kind of annoying, frankly.

The model I bought also has an independent throttle that I can use whether I pedal or not. That’s limited to the speed you can set in the computer. (Which is why I wanted to try to change it; it was too slow.) It seems to have plenty of pep on level ground and gentle uphill climbs. But when roads get steeper — as the loop road did — the motor can’t seem to keep up. I soon learned that if I kept the bike in top gear (7) and pedaled while using the throttle, I could keep the speed above 15 miles per hour and not get fatigued with pedaling.

The trip computer crapped out on me once during the ride. It registered zero speed and the odometer didn’t click. I had to turn it off (thus turning off the electric motor) and then turn it back on to get it to work again. I have a feeling that the computer is going to be a problem in the future.

Going down hill with pedal power only is pretty fast. At one point, I had it up to 30 miles per hour, which probably wasn’t a good idea. But the bike is very solid and stable. It felt good, even at that speed. The brakes work well, although they do squeak a bit.

Mate at Natural Bridges
My MATE bike parked near one of the bridge overlooks at Natural Bridges National Monument. I’m thinking it’s orange.

I answered a lot of tourist questions about the bike when I stopped at viewpoints. My speed was almost enough to keep up with the people driving the road (where the speed limit was 15 mph) and making the same stops as me so I saw a lot of the people a few times. The bike obviously looks different and that starts conversations.

The battery seems to last well. It was fully charged a little over a week ago and I put nine miles on it Sunday after about two miles of screwing around with other short rides last week. When I finished on Sunday, four of the five battery level indicator bars were still solid. I can’t remember offhand how long MATE says the battery should last, but I’m sure I’ll get at least 25-30 miles out of a charge, even using the motor as much as I did on the loop road.

On ease of folding, I give it a 6 out of 10. The handlebars fold down and then the bike folds in half. There doesn’t seem to be any way to hold the two halves together; I use a bungee cord. Once the bike is folded, it’s awkward to roll. And it’s heavy — more than 50 pounds — so it isn’t very easy to lift in and out of the back seat area of my pickup truck, which is where it’s riding on this trip. I have learned to fold and unfold it right next to the truck door.

And the manual? Very nice looking waste of paper. It has very little useful information in it. I shouldn’t have to figure out how the bike works. The manual should explain it. And I shouldn’t have to use Twitter to get instructions for setting the computer with miles instead of kilometers. That should be in the manual, too.

Do I like it? Well, it meets my needs: it provides portable transportation that I can take with me in my truck, boat, or helicopter. The electric motor, if fully charged, will give me a good range on steep uphill climbs that I likely would not be able to pedal on my own. That means I don’t have to worry much about how far I might have to ride from, say, a landing zone to a local restaurant or motel.

But do I like it? I really don’t know yet. I don’t think I regret buying it, and that says a lot. But after talking to other people about electric bikes they’ve used, I’m not convinced this one was worth the wait and aggravation.

Customer Service is a Real Concern

Despite any level of satisfaction I have with the bike itself, customer service remains a serious concern.

What I want to know is where the customer service person who finally helped me with the fork issue and was so prompt with computer instructions was last year when I was waiting for my bike to arrive and two months ago when I first reported the fork problem. It’s almost as if it took the company fourteen months to set up a decent customer service department and even then, it only works through Twitter.

So no, even though I like the bike I honestly can’t recommend it to anyone.

Why would I? Until recently, I’ve had almost zero customer service. I can imagine recommending the bike to a friend and that friend having the same frustrating experiences I have had. And that friend coming to me and saying, “I thought you said this was a good bike?”

And don’t even get me started on the fact that when I dished out $1,000 for a bike thirteen months ago, I thought I was getting a bike made in Denmark. There’s no way in hell I would have bought the bike if I knew that manufacturing was being farmed out to China and I’d be waiting a year to get it.

This has been a big lesson for me about crowd-funding purchases. I realized that funding a project doesn’t mean you’ll get what you paid for timely. Or get any kind of acceptable customer service related to it. Or, in the case of Lily, an amphibious drone a friend of mine funded, it doesn’t mean that you’ll get what you paid for at all.

So even though I’ve now participated in three crowd funding projects through either Kickstarter or Indiegogo, I will not fund another one. Nothing is so amazing that I can’t wait until it hits the market to buy it from a real store with real support.

I just hope I don’t have any other issues with my MATE bike in the future.

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26 thoughts on “My MATE Bike: The Wait is Finally Over

  1. I also have a Mate bike; it was a long, frustrating wait for it to arrive, and the handbook is useless. However, I put it together myself in an hour and figured most things out pretty quickly. I enjoy riding it, and would buy it again at the promotional price, probably not at the retail price.

    • At this point, if I was in the market for a foldable ebike, I’d shop around a lot before considering another MATE. And I would definitely not buy at the retail price or pay $200 for shipping, either.

      But I’m glad you like it!

  2. Jeez, what a saga. My commiserations.

    I bought my Carrera ‘Crossfire’ ebike two years ago from Halfords. I saw it on a Wednesday, ordered a test ride on the Thursday and cycled it home (7 miles) on the Friday.
    It is Chinese made, does 50 miles on a charge, can reach 25 mph and helps me go up 1:4 hills with ease. There is no level ground round here. I paid £900, they are now £1200.
    Like your bike, it is heavy, but I can just about lift it up onto my car’s bike carrier. It has variable settings for both assist and speed. The battery is still fine but now out of warranty. The only change I made was to fit German puncture proof tires, as changing the back wheel for puncture repairs is a bit of a drama.

    I could not have had an easier experience of ebike purchase.
    The difference is that Halfords is a large national retailer with a good reputation, plenty of shops and nice, informed, young staff.

    Perhaps ‘Mate’ will evolve that way soon, but all those bent forks make me wonder…

    • What can I say? I was an idiot to fall for this. It came along right when I was looking for something just like it and it was about 1/3 the price of all the other ones I’d seen. Of course, that didn’t include the $200 for shipping. Ouch! I should have kept looking.

      It seems to me that a company that has obviously sold so many of these in the U.S. should have a U.S. customer service center with spare parts and a phone they can actually answer. The fork I finally got was shipped from China. Jeez. No wonder it took 2 months to get.

  3. Hope you are enjoying the bike! I ordered my Mate bike in August last year and am still waiting 14 months later, without even a confirmation that the bike has left the warehouse at this point. Absolute worst customer communication I have ever experienced with any company. The comments on the indiegogo campaign site say it all. I honestly would not have thought it is possible to mess up customer service so badly.

    • While it kind of makes me feel better to know that my situation isn’t the worst, how horrible and frustrating for you! Have you tried nagging them on Twitter? That’s the only thing that seemed to work for me.

      At this point, I suspect they’ll take the money and run, hopefully after fulfilling all orders. If the comments on their campaign are as bad as you indicate — and I’ll go check them out and add mine — I seriously doubt they’ll remain in business long.

  4. This company is a real scam. Now they are erasing negative comments wherever the can and filling sites like Trustpilot with fake positive comments, to raise their rates, especially the last weeks. I really think that someone should lead an legal investigation and/or law suit against this company. Besides, the bike is neither Danish design, nor manufactured there, but a standard bike from China…
    BTW thanks for your review..

    • They sent me a link to leave a review on Trust Pilot and I said pretty much what I said here: the bike seems okay but customer service is a nightmare. I dread the day that battery needs to be replaced; I’ll likely just get rid of it.

  5. There is another bike (LLobe city 2) that is absolutely identical and looks like it uses the same batteries. I’ll check into it because I would really like a spare battery and a fast charger (without having to wait ages for them!)
    Mybike took more than a year to arrive but I have to say I really like it and luckily had no shipping damage.

    • The more I ride my MATE, the more I like it. But it’s easily damaged. It’s already all scratched up and the other day, I bent the key! It certainly is a conversation-starter.

      Good luck with yours. I’ll check out that other bike. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a Chinese clone.

  6. The bike that I wish never had arrived…

    During my very first ride with my Mate bike, after 20km of cycling the front wheel suddenly fell off when crossing a small curb. The quick release system had failed and the wheel popped off. I landed on my face and was flown with a helicopter to the nearest hospital.

    Mate and their insurance company’s conclusion is that it must have been a mistake in installation of the quick release system. So for all of you Mate bikers out there: be aware that you can install the bike by the manual, ride the bike for several kilometers (in my case 20km) and the front wheel can still pop off any time – all this being your own fault.

    We had been biking with two Mate bikes, the other one worked fine and both bikes were installed and checked by the same two people: me (an amateur) and by my partner who has worked as a mountain biking guide and is more than familiar with the quick release system. We also followed the manual.

    I would never recommend this bike to anyone for pure safety reasons! If you do own one already have it checked by a bike expert and replace the weak parts.

    • Wow! What a horrible story. I had mine assembled by a local bike shop after getting a damaged front fork and waiting very long to get it replaced. It works okay — I haven’t had any serious issues — but I was very upset to see an exact copy of it in the hands of another person that he’d got for a lot less. Apparently, the Chinese company that makes them for MATE is selling them under different names.

      Anyway, I wouldn’t recommend a MATE either.

  7. I had the same issue, customer service was so bad. Box arrived a year and a half later. It was Feb 2016 when I paid on Indigogo and I received the bike like August 2017. It arrived with a broken battery. I tried to get a hold of someone for a month, then requested a new battery ( but NOT without them requesting photos) then waited ANOTHER month for a new battery to arrive……only now to be left not understanding my bad streak of MATE luck as I cannot seem to fold the bike closed with the new battery. The battery prongs seems to block the bike from clicking.

    I hesitate entirely to bother contacting them again as I feel they are really really useless in terms of customer service. Almost non existent.

    If anyone has tips regarding why I cannot fold closed my ebike with the new battery please let me know.

    Thanks for posting about this! It definitely needs to be out there about the customer service issues. Especially with how much money ended up being made for this company what was not even in existence when it made over 6 million.

    • That is one of my personal faults: high expectations. And no, I’m not being sarcastic. It is a problem and I know it.

      I’ve been riding the MATE on and off for over a year now. I’m satisfied with it and I really couldn’t beat the price. I’ve been pricing electric bikes locally — we have two good bike shops in town — and you really can’t touch anything for less than $2K. This bike cost about $1,000 with the battery upgrade and shipping. It does what I need it to do.

      That said, I CANNOT recommend MATE to anyone. The customer service is DISMAL. My bike arrived damaged so badly that it could not be assembled and it took more than a month to get the replacement part. I dread the thought of getting the battery replaced when the time comes; I’ll likely be better off trashing the bike. The bike was supposed to be made in Denmark and, instead, they are mass-produced in China. I’ve already seen a Chinese knockoff that looked virtually identical to mine — if you can find that at $1K or less, buy it. It’s the same bike and you’re likely to get better customer support.

  8. For your information regarding all similar bikes you find from the Chinese website: (Quoted from Mate Bike Backer forum)
    Just to clarify – MATE X is Design Registered with the European Intellectual Property Office and you can not find our exact MATE X on alibaba. If you take a closer look on both the specs and frame it should be quite obvious, that they are far from the same! You can find many types of foldable eBikes out there that share some similarities as you can with most mountain bikes, racing bikes and ladies bikes etc. An eBike is put together with so many different components and parts combined that it is close to impossible to make the exact same (chances are equally good as winning the lottery). On top of that if you order to EU from Alibaba you can be sure to pay a hefty Anti Dumping Duty for Europe, have no product liability insurance, likely fake/invalid certifications which makes them illegal, no warranty or customer service as with MATE. Last but not least MATE X is design-protected by us (MATE.BIKE INTERNATIONAL) so you can rest assured there’s only one as good and cool as MATE.

  9. I’m trying to decide between the mate s and the SONDORS fold sport. Both have features I like however the SONDORS is not to ship till Nov.

    There is a private seller with the blue mate s locally who says his was purchased for his son who didn’t put more than 5 mi on it. He’s coming up on sat to let me test ride and offered me $900 for it.

    Do you dislike the bike enough that I should opt for the SONDORS?


  10. Last year I bought a RAD Rhino for myself but this was too big for my wife and the RAD Mini doesn’t ship here. Therefore I ended up buying her an Orange C7. Well on holiday in Germany we discovered the RAD was brilliant, tackled everything. The Orange was complete rubbish. It simply doesn’t go up hills any steeper than MILD. I looked into the MATE and thought I’d buy one for next season. However, after reading this I am really glad I haven’t placed an order yet! Meanwhile I have heard that RAD will be shipping the Mini to Europe w.e.f. next Spring so I guess that is what I’ll be waiting for.

    Thanks for this article, it has saved me from making another eBike mistake.

  11. Shady outfit this Mate, but worse is the scam artist behind this all. Christian Adel Michael! Not only that, they have pending lawsuits. IF they loose, they might not get all the bikes produced!!!

  12. I think I’m going to have to give it a miss , I love the mate x style and so on but there’s know way id put myself through all that . I’ll settle for 2nd choice like you have red . . . Orange it is with a hint of white where it’s primed only at the back and a bit patchy round the mate sign but its defo red under the seat post for about 2inch on both them bars but your so lucky to have it and all working . Everything you went through to get it i’d say you deserve it . You go for it stuff the coulor it’s cool as . I’m not so lucky and am poor so my wait is saving time so I’m 8 months in and half way there to being able to afford my ebike so I can’t give feed back on a make or modle just yet but I’ll appreciate it more when I get it . All the best with big hope and prayer there’s many more miles of fun in your new bike Jay McC from the I.O.M the tiny little rock right in the middle of the Irish sea And the jewel of it as it’s nicknames peace be with you

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