Malaga, WA Clouds Time-Lapse

We got weather! Watch a whole day’s worth in 9 minutes.

With low clouds and rain in the forecast yesterday, I set up my GoPro in time-lapse mode to record the movement of the clouds. Unfortunately, I set it up for one shot every 1/2 second — what was I thinking? — and had to edit the resulting video to play at 5x the recorded speed. Set to music provided by the folks at YouTube (“Angel Guides” by Jesse Gallagher), it might offer you 9 minutes of relaxation. See if you can count the area burn piles and watch the rain come and go.

Morning Helicopter Flight to Quincy

Another video from the Flying M Air YouTube channel.

I was unexpectedly called out to do a cherry drying flight on Saturday morning. Here’s footage from the nose cam with narration added in production.

More Info:

Note: This is the 1080 FHD version of this video. There is an ad-free 4K version of this video for top-tier channel members That’s my thanks for their financial support to this channel. Become a channel member at the Access Premium Content level to watch 4K versions of channel videos.

Helicopter Flight Over Wenatchee

Another video from the Flying M Air YouTube channel.

Join me for a 20-minute flight from the maintenance hangar at Wenatchee Pangborn Memorial Airport to the Columbia River, up to the Rocky Reach Dam, and back down to Malaga. Along the way, I’ll tell you about what you’re seeing and tell you about my helicopter maintenance and ground handling wheels.

Note: This is the 1080 HD version of this video. A 4K UHD version without the animated subscribe button and Member Wall that also includes landing at my summer base is available to members at the Sponsor level or higher.

Helicopter Flight to Twisp

A “nosecam” video from the FlyingMAir YouTube channel.

This is the third of several videos I’m releasing from a flight with a friend from the Wenatchee, WA, area to Twisp, WA and back. In this video, Cyndi and I depart her home on Wenatchee Heights and head almost due north to Twisp, WA. Although it starts with a cockpit view with viewers looking over our shoulders, I quickly switch to the nosecam. I also cut cockpit audio in favor of a narration added during editing. There’s some great scenery along the way: the Columbia River, Wenatchee, East Wenatchee, the Rocky Reach Dam, the Entiat River, a hanging valley, Lake Chelan, Manson, the Methow River and Valley, and finally Twisp.

I’ll probably release one or two more videos from this day of flying. Subscribe now and turn on Notifications so you don’t miss them!

Helicopter Flight: McMinnville to Yakima, Part 2

Another video from the FlyingMAir YouTube channel.

Join me for the second part of my cross-country flight from McMinnville, OR back to my summer base in Malaga, WA. In this video, I descend down into the Columbia River Gorge to fly upriver below the clouds. As the clouds lift, the wind picks up. Along the way, there’s lots of rain on the windscreen, an airplane passing in the opposite direction, and waterfalls along the oregon cliffs. This part of the flight goes from Columbia River east of Troutdale and ends after a “left turn” into a valley across the river from Hood River. Audio is from direct connection to the intercom, so you can hear radio chatter and me narrate the flight and make radio calls, plus dialed down volume of the helicopter’s engine/rotor noise. I included a bit of “nosecam” video, too.

Here are the videos in this series. I’ve already published videos that cover the last part of this flight, which was done a few days later:

McMinnville to Yakima, Part 1:
McMinnville to Yakima, Part 2: (this video)
McMinnville to Yakima, Part 3: to come
Yakima River Canyon:
Kittitas to Malaga:

I should mention here that “cross-country” in the world of aviation is any long flight where you land at a different place from where you started. For airplanes, it’s 50 miles or more; for helicopters, it’s 25 miles or more. This is only part of a 178 nautical mile trip.