Freedom Day and Doing It Now

I celebrate two personal milestones on the same day.

Mastodon Post
Mastodon Post
I posted this on Mastodon today. My way of celebrating — and helping other people in dead end relationships to break free and move forward on their own.

Today is Freedom Day — the anniversary of my divorce decree — which I last wrote about back in 2017. That year, it went by without noticing it, but this year it was really on my mind for a variety of reasons.

Freedom Day this Year

One reason is that I’m really feeling the freedom that day gave me. I’ve been feeling it all along, but the past month or so I’ve been feeling it more. As I finish my Great Loop trip, and wind down my east coast boat travels, I’m been giving a lot of thought to my future and trying to answer the big question: What’s next?

After a lot of thought and weighing my multitude of options I think I’ve come up with a plan for the next five or more years of my life. (That’s something I’ll cover in another blog post.)

The point is, I have options because of the freedom I got on July 30, 2013, the day the legal document severing the partnership between me and my wasband was handed down. As far as the law was concerned I was done with him. I owned everything I owned and could make all of my own decisions without having to consult him or anyone else.


As I pointed out in a toot on Mastodon today, I’ve come so far since then. None of it would be possible without the freedom I achieved on this date in 2013 and the “do it now” attitude I’ve embraced to make up for lost time.

450 Days

The other milestone for today? It’s my 450th day aboard my boat, Do It Now. (Yes, it is taking me longer than average to finish the Great Loop, but that’s because I had to work last summer. I’m retired now and the end is near.)

I’m kind of tickled by the fact that I’ve spend more time living on my boat than living in my home since taking possession of the boat in early September 2022. Why? Well, I don’t think I’ve mentioned this elsewhere, but when I first started considering the purchase of this boat, I was very excited about it. I wanted to share my excitement with someone close to me so I shared it with certain family members. To my surprise, neither of them were supportive at all. In fact, I was told that buying the boat was a bad idea and a waste of money because I wouldn’t use it.

I wouldn’t use it?

Yeah. It was a rude awakening to realize that, after all these years, my family knew so little about what makes me tick.

I’m using the boat to the point of abusing it. I’ve put over 1,000 engine hours and nearly 8,000 nautical miles on it. I’ve used it to build skills for a part-time career as USCG-certificated boat captain.

But yeah. The lesson learned here is that it isn’t just my wasband who doesn’t get it.

Anyway, I’ve got another 15 or so days on board here on the Great Loop before I bring the boat back to the Seattle area for a month of cruising in the San Juan Islands and Desolation Sound. Then yes, I’ll put the boat away for the winter and take a break.

But you can bet your ass that I’ll have it back in the water next April.

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4 thoughts on “Freedom Day and Doing It Now

  1. You’ll be finishing on a high. I’m aware you know the San Juan islands very well but they are utterly beautiful. Enjoy your shore leave.

    • I’d like to spend a day just walking around Chicago before I have the boat pulled out. But we’ll see if I have enough time. I’ve been delayed with a sinus infection that I had to wait to see a doctor and get medicine for. But I think I can still get to Chicago on time.

      As for cruising the San Juans and beyond — I’m really looking forward to ending 2 years of nearly nonstop boating with that.

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