Dealing with a Craig’s List Scammer

I kept this clown on the hook for nearly 45 minutes by pretending I didn’t understand his instructions.

I use Craig’s List extensively when I need to get rid of things. I’ve found that if something has any value at all and you put it on Craig’s List for free, you can get rid of it quickly — often the same day.

Yesterday, I placed an ad to get rid of the dozen or so wooden pallets I’d collected over the years. I used to build things with them, but I’ve since found alternative building materials. I’d like to get rid of these and I’d prefer not to burn them (although I will if they’re not gone by next week).

Pallets, All Different Sizes (Malaga)

I have about a dozen pallets in all different sizes that I no longer need. Come and take them away. Bring a truck and a friend to help you move them. Text me for the address and availability. I cannot hold any pallets so please do not text until you are ready to come.

Pallets for Sale
Here are two of the pallets that have to go this spring. I saved the rotor blades to use as a decoration but they’re so damn heavy I can’t work with them alone. For the right price, they could be yours!

I included photos of a bunch of pallets, including the one my old rotor blades are lying across. I used that as the primary image, figuring it would get people’s attention. (And maybe someone would be interested in buying those old blades.)

Scammer 2
This is my entire conversation with the second scammer. He caught on when either I didn’t ask any questions or he couldn’t send the code.

The scam texts began within 15 minutes. There were two scammers on this one, but the second one gave up pretty quick. The first one, however, really thought he had a live one on the line and was very persistent. He kept at it until he finally figured it out — after about 40 minutes of texting back and forth with me.

Sample Link
Here’s an example of a “verification” text I got from a scammer last month. I’ve since blocked that source number. Do not try to open that link.

Let me start by explaining the scam. The scammer poses as a buyer who really wants the merchandise but needs to “verify” me. He does this by sending me a code that looks like it’s coming from Google. It comes from a different phone number and has two parts: a six digit number and a shortened link. Although they usually ask for the code — which is right there — what they seem to really want is for you to click the link. I can only assume it does something nefarious, like install malware on your device. I’m not dumb enough to click links from strangers (and you shouldn’t be, either).

Apparently, last month after dealing with a few of these, I blocked the number that sends the link. This makes it impossible for the scammers to send me that text message. The first guy, as you’ll read below, tried hard to get another phone number from me to send that code to. I played him as long as I could. The first guy gave up right away, as you can see in the screen shot above.

For your reading pleasure, here’s the complete exchange between Scammer #1 and me. I have not masked his phone number because it’s likely spoofed or from a burn phone anyway. I wouldn’t call it if I were you. Note that every time he sends a question mark by itself (?), it’s because I’m taking too long to reply.

I want to buy ”Pallets, all different sizes ” Is it available?

Maria Langer:
They’re free. Come get them.

Ok, right now I will send a verification code. The code proves that you are real person and your post is real.Now I send the code?

Maria Langer:
Sure. Go ahead.

Opps.Your number is not accepted this code.Do you have another cell phone number?

Maria Langer:

Please try to give me another cell phone number.

Maria Langer:

You can use your anyone cell phone number for this verification.
Please try to give me another cell phone number.Because I want to try again.

Maria Langer:
I don’t have another number.

So give me another cell phone number of those who around you.

Maria Langer:
There’s nobody around me. We are social distancing here.

So contact someone then send me their number.

Maria Langer:
Why would I do that?

Because The verification code is very important for our safety.

Maria Langer:
I won’t hurt you. In fact, I’ll stay inside while you pick them up.

Its ok, Now try to send give me a cell phone number
You can use anyone cell phone number for this verification.

Maria Langer:
I told you I don’t have another cell phone number.

You can use your family members phone number.

Maria Langer:
You mean like my sister’s?

Yeah, Anyone.

Maria Langer:
But my sister lives in Kansas. How will that help me here? [Note: My sister does not live in Kansas.]

I will send a code to her number. Then send me back the code. Its very simple.

Maria Langer:
But she’s at work. I don’t wanna bother her.

You can use your friends phone number.

Maria Langer:
But my friends aren’t here.
Why can’t you just use my number? It works fine! You’re using it now.

No problem call him,

Maria Langer:
Call who?

Call your friend and send me number

Maria Langer:
What number? Do you know my friend?

No. I just use for verification,

Maria Langer:
I don’t understand. You sent a verification code to my friend? How do you know his number? I thought you were going to send it to my sister?

OK give me any number

Maria Langer:
But you have my number.

Your number is not working. So give me your friend or sisters number.
Your number is not working. So give me your friend or sisters number.

Maria Langer:
My number works fine. We’ve been texting on it this whole time!

But not working for code

Maria Langer:
Maybe the code is broken.
Did you try again?
Oh, come on! Let’s keep playing! My twitter friends are really enjoying this! 🤣

fuck off

Maria Langer:
lol! Wasted 45 minutes of your day. Sucker!!!

I should mention here that while this was going on, I was working in my yard. I did some weeding and hedge trimming and spread some weed and feed on my lawn. He waited while I did these things, responding almost immediately each time I texted him back — like he was waiting for me. So it didn’t take up much of my time but did take up 45 minutes of his.

As Bugs Bunny would say, “What a maroon.” (Google it.)

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5 thoughts on “Dealing with a Craig’s List Scammer

  1. I enjoyed the exchange. My desk is littered with CL cashieer’s checks, cheques, and money orders, green dot card numbers you name it. Persistant folks must get someone hooked every once in a while.

    • It’s a real shame. In general, Craig’s List is a great local resource for selling and buying used stuff. I can’t begin to list the stuff I’ve successfully given away for free over the years — stuff that was still good but had little resale value. Scams like this really hurt the service; lots of friends told me they just won’t use CL anymore. The fewer uses, the less useful the service is for everyone.

  2. I recently heard a podcast that described a similar scam and the entire goal of the scammer was to obtain as many phone numbers as possible – thus the (odd) request for the number of a friend or your sister. I can’t imagine why anyone would cooperate, and furthermore why that idiot tried to do this with a FREE item, but these are criminals we’re talking about.

    The most common end result is that the criminals will sell the numbers, which get compiled with other personal id info (also criminally obtained!), and then the risk becomes someone porting your phone # and/or ID theft. I’ll try to find the podcast; not sure if I can post links in comments, but here’s some info in the meantime:

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