A Periscope video captured and shared.
I’ve been experimenting a bit with Periscope lately. That’s a Twitter-owned app that makes it possible to do live video broadcasts. Although the vast majority of what’s on there is utter crap, there are a few accounts with live broadcasts of very interesting material. (My personal favorite is the Department of Interior (@Interior), which seems to have embraced Periscope as a way to show off our national parks and monuments.) Like Twitter, it’s all about who you follow.
My front deck is just about done.
While I don’t think my broadcasts are so interesting, they are a way for me to share what’s going on in my life with folks who might be interested — and to answer questions that they type in while the broadcast is going on.
Although Periscope only saves broadcasts for 24 hours, the video I record is also saved on my phone and can be copied to my computer. From there, it can be edited and shared to non-Periscope users. That’s what the following video is.
In this video, I offer a narrated overview of the work I’m doing on my deck. The front deck, which measures 10 x 30, is just about done; I still haven’t started the side deck, which is 6 x 48. I haven’t done the railings yet, but hope to get them started this weekend. In the video, I discuss the materials and tools I’m using and why I made some of the decisions I made. The wind machines in nearby orchards were going while I recorded and you can hear them in the background sounding a lot louder than they really do.
The only drawback I see to recording in Periscope and then sharing is that Periscope seems to severely limit the resolution of what it records. As a result, any Periscope video I share on my blog is at only 240 pixel resolution which, quite frankly, sucks.
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Kinda cool! Doing good Maria – deck’s looking awesome!
It’s coming along. I’ve got a fire under my butt to finish now — Good Life is coming 5/8 to interview me and take pictures for a feature story.
Take care up there Maria. It looks like an accident waiting to happen, particularly if you trip or stumble close to the edges of the deck. Can you put up some temporary guards to give you some protection from the drop? Some wood temporarily nailed between the uprights perhaps.
We’re picking up the hog panels on Saturday and will put up a sample rail then. Until then, I strung up some plastic tape to make it pretty obvious where the deck ends. I’m being very careful — believe me!
I was about to ask if you were considering glass railings for your deck but hog panel sounds like a great solution.
I wanted glass panels, but I just can’t justify the cost: over $4,000 for the whole deck. That’s more than the deck cost! I think the hog panels will work. If I decide I don’t like them, I can always change them out in the future.
I’m having second thoughts about the hog panel. The mesh may be big enough for your inspector to consider it ladder like and climbable. It will depend on the exact code version the county is enforcing and the whim of your inspector. I’d suggest a preemptive call to the inspector in case they are going to require a smaller sized mesh.
Four inches is what’s allowed and those squares are exactly four inches. Yes, a kid could easily climb it. But don’t parents have any responsibility for their children’s safety these days? All I care about is meeting code without spending a fortune or ruining my view.
I will be interested to see how it looks where the deck turns the corner. And how the railing and side panels come out. But so far, very interesting, not dull.
Thanks. It’s not a difficult job, but not fun at all. Tedious. Looking forward to being done.