DocStoc Sells Your Personal Documents

Your privacy is obviously not their concern.

This morning, when going through the Google Alerts set up for my name — one of the tools I use to track down copyright infringement — I found a link on a company called DocStoc. The link was to a copy of my resume, created back in 2004, that included a variety of personal information about me, including my name; my city, state, and zip; my old e-mail address at my domain name; and my job history up to that point. The document was listed as “public domain,” but a Download link required you to have an account with DocStoc to download the document.

Needless to say, I was outraged.

I e-mailed the company and filled out a DMCA takedown notice on their site. I also demanded to know who had uploaded the document so I could take legal action against him/her.

If you have any sort of Internet or Web presence, I highly recommend that you go to DocStoc, perform a search on your name, and use their online DMCA Notification form to get whatever personal documents that are found removed.

Do not support this organization by buying documents that could be stolen from their sources.

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5 thoughts on “DocStoc Sells Your Personal Documents

  1. Maria,

    I’ve sound them SELLING an eBook containing my copyrighted and registered book content. I eventually bought a copy for proof, how’s that for adding insult to injury? I’f I write it up this week for my blog, I’ll keep you posted.


  2. HI Maria, I had a very similar situation. They were using my cv and when I asked to to remove it, they send me a FAQ showing somecrap. I told them have never registered in their site and this FAQ should be applicable to somebody who has done that. I threatened them that this is a identity fraud, and I’ll sue them. They finally agreed to look into this.

    I shared this blog onto my facebook wall. is that alright?


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