Another book review.
Those who know me well, know that I am not a religious person. In fact, I’m about as unreligious as they come.
In general, however, I’ve never been against any religion. I see it as a way that people fulfill social, idealistic, and spiritual needs in their lives. If they want to believe that the earth was created as it is today in seven days by a supernatural being seven thousand years ago — or any of the other ideas and themes of their religion — that’s fine with me. (Just don’t teach these religion-based ideas in public schools with my tax money.)
Sam Harris’s Letter
Lately, seeing what’s going on in the world and the political influence of America’s religious conservatives, I’ve begun to doubt whether there’s a positive value to religion in society. No book has helped fuel my doubts more than Letter to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris. This tiny, 96-page book was written as a letter to devout Christians, pointing out the inconsistencies in Christian beliefs and how some of these beliefs negatively impact today’s world.
The main gist of Harris’s book is the fact that some policies promoted by Christian politicians and their backers are causing far more harm in good. He cites many examples. The ones that stands out in my mind are those related to sex education and their affect on the population, both home and abroad.
Consider, for instance, the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is now the most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States. The virus infects over half the American population and causes nearly five thousand women to die each year from cervical cancer; the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that more than two hundred thousand die worldwide. We now have a vaccine for HPV that appears to be both safe and effective. The vaccine produced 100 percent immunity in the six thousand women who received it as part of a clinical trial. And yet, Christian conservatives in our government have resisted a vaccination program on the grounds that HPV is a valuable impediment to premarital sex. These pious men and women want to preserve cervical cancer as an incentive toward abstinence, even if it sacrifices the lives of thousands of women each year.
He follows this up with some statistics from studies that show how the “abstinence-only” approach to sex education in 30% of American sex education programs simply does not work. American teens may be participating in “virginity pledges” for eighteen months or more, but they’re having oral and anal sex instead. American teenage girls are also four to five times more likely to become pregnant or contract a sexually transmitted disease than teens in the rest of the developed world. Why? Could it be because they weren’t taught about condoms? Or worse yet, because were taught that birth control is “sinful”?
Mr. Harris drives the point home with this statement:
The problem is that Christians like yourself are not principally concerned about teen pregnancy and the spread of disease. That is, you are not worried about the suffering caused by sex; you are worried about sex. As if this fact needed further corroboration, Reginald Finger, an Evangelical member of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, recently announced that he would consider opposing an HIV vaccine — thereby condemning millions of men and women to die unnecessarily from AIDS each year — because such a vaccine would encourage premarital sex by making it less risky. This is one of many points on which your religious beliefs become genuinely lethal.
I’ve done some research into this statement about Reginald Finger and, unfortunately, can’t find the New Yorker article where it was made. But you can learn more about his views on this issue on, Wikipedia, Time Magazine, and Dr. Finger’s Web site. It’s clear from these sources that Dr. Finger is very interested in abstinence education, but whether he would oppose an HIV vaccine, as Mr. Harris claims, is extremely difficult to believe. Surely no one would go to that extreme in efforts to stop people from having sex.
More Than Just Sex
Of course, the book isn’t just about the sex education issue. Mr. Harris goes into great detail on a number of other issues, including the Bible as the word of God, morals as defined by the Bible, and the clash between science and religion, including the conflict between evolution and intelligent design. He also writes a bit about atheism and the Christian view that atheists are “evil.”
Mr. Harris presents all of his arguments calmly, with many examples and quotes from the Bible. At no time does he become offensive — he remains quite reasonable throughout. Still, I know that what he has to say will trouble most devout Christians who read it. So although I think he hopes to reach these people, I doubt that he will succeed. Instead, he may reach the more moderate Christians who can look objectively at their beliefs and see how they might cause problems in today’s world.
My Thoughts on Extremists
I agree with much of what Mr. Harris says, but not all of it. He makes some very strong statements near the end of the book about Muslims that I find difficult to believe:
The idea that Islam is a “peaceful religion hijacked by extremists” is a fantasy, and it is now a particularly dangerous fantasy for Muslims to indulge…most Muslims are utterly deranged by their religious faith…
Maybe I’m naive, but I still like to think that most people want to live their lives in peace. So, unlike Mr. Harris, I cannot generalize like this about Muslims — or Christians, for that matter.
I see parallels between members of the Christian and Muslims faiths. Just as there are Christians who make God and the trappings of their religion part of their lives, I believe there are Muslims who do the same with Allah and the trappings of their religion.
Both religions have extremists. In America, we use the politically correct terms “Conservative Christians” or “Evangelical Christians” to describe these people. We also use the term “Radical Muslim” to refer to Muslim extremists. (Funny how we drop political correctness for the Muslims, isn’t it?)
But do these people control either religion? Do they speak for all of their fellow believers? I’d like to think they don’t — that there are reasonable members of both faith that know which parts of the Bible or Koran shouldn’t be taken literally in this modern world.
I Recommend It!
I recommend this book for anyone who is alarmed by the growing power of the religious right in America. It will help arm you with the facts and background information you need to:
- argue in favor of sex education programs that include birth control information, thus reducing unwanted pregnancies (and their social and economic impacts), abortions, and sexually transmitted disease
- fight back against the proposed teaching of intelligent design in public schools
- allow vaccinations to protect your daughter from HPV and, possibly, cervical cancer
- enable government funding to continue efforts to find cures for AIDS and other diseases — yes, even through the use of stem cells
If you are a true believer, I urge you to consider Mr. Harris’s arguments — and the arguments made by others like him — and look objectively at how your beliefs affect America and the rest of the world. While neither Mr. Harris nor I am saying that you should give up your belief in God and the values of your religion, you need to understand that some of your religious beliefs and values cannot be imposed on others without drastic consequences for all.
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- No stating “facts” unless they are facts that can be backed up. (You can link to articles.)
- No nasty comments directed at me or other commenters. If you think we’re stupid or we’ll rot in hell, keep it to yourself. Just state your case without getting personal.
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I am an oddity of sorts, in that I am both scientifically trained/minded and a Christian. I can’t say much about the author’s view of Christianity. What I can say is that I know what it is like to live without Jesus and I know what it is to live with Him and if a “rational” world is a world that would reason away His peace, joy , grace, and forgiveness than call me “irrational” till the day is long…no contest.
Hello. Nice blog. I agree with your review of his book for the most part. When it first came out I was super stoked because I had just read parts of his first book The End of Faith and really enjoyed it. I’ve mellowed out a bit though. Sam Harris ironically convinced me NOT to be an atheist but he still strengthened my skepticism of organized religions nonetheless.
Well I find myself again attached at the hip to a vilified religion. I grow tired of the call for “tolerance” of alternative lifestyles, of scientific ideas, and just about anything else that anyone can think up.
The tolerance for the Christian faith is without doubt lacking. Christians are regularly made a mockery of in Hollywood movies and I do not hear the screams for tolerance there. If we are all to be truly tolerant that we must all be truly tolerant.
There is no doubt whatsoever that in every sphere of belief there are representatives of it that just cannot be tolerated. Their rhetoric screams of hypocricy and hate. The Christian faith is just a really big target for such scrutiny, yet the Muslim faith appears to be catching up quickly though.
I cannot help but point out the line “Christians like yourself” as being predjudice. Whenever you start a statement by attaching a label to the individual whose idea you are attacking, it belittles your point. Compare to ” an individual who thinks as you do”. Besides I would venture to guess that very few politicians in Washington are actual followers of Christs teachings. Those that are, typically do not stand on it they simply act on it.
As for the vaccination question. I oppose vaccinations. Yes I know, a true radical, and dissenter of the medical machine. I am a firm believer that drug companies are inherently evil. I suggest reading Immunizations: theory vs reality by Niel Z. Miller and I will include a link here to a listing of medical articles.
Too many times we have trusted the drug companies with our lives and too many times they have willingly taken it from us. I have four daughters and they will not be guinea pigs for a corrupt medical establishment. As the writer states “a vaccine that appears to be safe”. The number of drugs that “appeared” to be safe and are now pulled from the market is staggering. Anyone remember Phen Phen?
I personally do not believe that a vaccine against HPV will encourage kids to have sex. I am convinced that the stupidity of young people means that HPV is not a deterant in the first place. Yes I said stupidity, and I meant it.
I must agree to disagree with the writer though and believe that not government but faith based organizations stand a better chance of getting young people to refrain from sex until they are old enough to truly understand the consequences. Government has proven one thing, that they can spend more and accomplish less.
And on the matter of Intellegent Design. Come on! The “THEORY” of evolution is being rammed down our childrens throats daily, with it being the only theory taught in public schools requiring Supreme Court Protection to be taught. Science changes the age of the Earth every year or so till it’s age cannot possibly be comprehended any longer and science continually dresses to suit itself. The teaching of a parallel idea that nature exhibits signs of Intelligent Design, is only truly frightening to a religious zealot. I speak of course of the religion of Darwanism, and yes it is a religion by just about every definition of religion.
As for funding of AIDS research I am skeptical at best. I see that Cancer has had 100’s of trillions of dollars thrown at it and Cancer has become almost epidemic and continues to be a billion dollar per year “industry”. And Cancer kills more people than AIDs. I am not saying that we should not spend money on it but I assure you that government is not the answer. Capitalism will be the eventual answer. Yes! The very idea of the profit to be made by curing AIDS will drive research to find a cure. Hopefully. Yes it would be warm and fuzzy if someone could find it and give it to the world for free but nothing is free my friends and curing AIDS won’t be the first thing. Unfortunately we could also face another case of insulin. The perfect drug you take for life and it does not cure anything.
Please keep in mind that there are those who are concerned by the growing power of the religious left in this country as well. Different religion but a very similar hypocricy I’m afraid, and of course fraught with it’s own set of folks that just can not be tolerated.
Remember the law of sympathetic resonance states that how you “vibrate” will cause others you contact to vibrate as well. How are you vibrating today?
You’re quite right in that “Darwinism” is a little bit outdated. We now call it Modern Evolutionary Synthesis, but sometimes peope use Darwinism as a catch-all term for the process of evolution. But my question is, how you do consider Darwinism to be a religion?
Sorry, I was mistaken. I meant to say evolutionary biology, not evolutionary synthesis