Seven hours in the air, numerous hours on the ground, over 140 photos to choose from.
The crunch is upon me to meet my Leopard book deadline, but as I have my cup of coffee this morning, I thought I’d take a moment to update the photo shoot info and provide a few photos and links.
If you’re just tuning in…
Professional photographer and author Jon Davison from Australia has been with me here in Wickenburg since I picked him up at Sky Harbor on Saturday. He’s working on a book about Robinson Helicopters which should feature about 20 operators all over the world. I’m one of four U.S.-based operators that he will include in the book.
Jon has written or photographed (or both) 60 books, including numerous titles for Berlitz and Nikon. Although he was specializing in travel photography, he’s more recently taken on aviation photography. The Robinson book is a special project for an Australian helicopter operator, which may gain support in this country from the Robinson Helicopter Company, which Jon is visiting later today.
The Shoots
We did a total of four photo shoots:
Air-to-Air session. Jon rode with my friend Dave in his Hughes 500c, doors off to get glare-free images of Zero-Mike-Lima. I blogged about that shoot in “Air-to-Air.”
Half-day flight around northern Arizona. Jon’s goal was to photograph some of the places I typically fly over, as well as to get shots of me at the controls with these places in the background. We started in Wickenburg and flew north over Prescott, Mingus Mountain, Jerome, Sycamore Canyon, Howard Mesa, Little Colorado River Gorge, Roden Crater, Grand Falls of the Little Colorado River, Winslow and La Posada, Meteor Crater, and Sedona. Jon got some great shots.
Sunset/Moonlight Dinner Tour. This is one of the tours I offer in the Phoenix area, a flight to a Falcon Field (in Mesa, where we went) or Scottsdale Airport at sunset for dinner followed by a return trip in the moonlight. Jon took some interesting nighttime photos.
Landing at Norquist home. The Norquists have a unique hilltop home on the northeast side of Wickenburg. I flew for them about a year ago when their Realtor hosted an open house and wanted visiting Realtors to see the town from the air. They graciously allowed us to land there for a photo shoot with the house in the background. We enjoyed some wine — well, Jon and Mike did, anyway; I still had to fly — and great conversation with some really nice people. (BTW, the house is for sale.)
These are a sampling of the images. You can find more on the page Jon created for his photo shoots with me.
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