iPhone Purchase Poll Results

The votes are in and the results are mildly surprising.

Here are the results for the iPhone purchase Poll I started on June 26. I’m pleased to see that 379 people participated. Thanks for voicing your opinion! I’m just not sure why the other 3500 people who viewed the poll (according to my stats) didn’t take the time to vote.

[poll id=”7″]

Anyway, I found these results a bit surprising. The biggest surprise: that 28% of the respondents (or 106 people) said they wanted an iPhone so badly that they’d wait in line to get one. Wow.

But the top result was from folks who said they wanted one and planned to get one by year-end (without waiting on line on June 19). That had 132 votes for 35% of respondents.

I voted in the next category: want one but won’t get one by year-end. 92 other people for a total of 25% of respondents were with me.

And, of course, there were 48 people or 13% of the respondents who said they didn’t want one at all.

I think the poll results were skewed. After all, who would find this poll on my site to vote on it? People searching for material related to the iPhone. These are people who are already interested in it and caught up in the hype surrounding its release.

I was away for the big release on Friday and only caught news stories on NPR about the lines on Friday afternoon. Now that I’m back in civilization, I’ll have to catch up on the iPhone hype to see what I missed. (Fortunately, I have a few more important things to do before that.)

In the meantime, I’ve closed the poll. I’ll probably be launching a new one for iPhone owners shortly. Would love to see what real people — as opposed to certain Apple fanboys from the media who got their hands on phones for review — really think about their new acquisition. Stay tuned.

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5 thoughts on “iPhone Purchase Poll Results

  1. The poll may is skewed demonstrating a negative skew. However, the real question is not the skew, but rather is there sampling error because of: (a) the small number of respondents; (b) the manner in which the questions were posed; (c) the lack of randomness in selecting the participants? All of these are poll/survey-killers.

    What does this mean? That the results and write up of this poll are worthless.

  2. Never said it was scientific. Just a poll to satisfy my own curiosity about people’s plans regarding iPhone purchase.

    Thanks for your kind comments about the poll’s usefulness. Did you ever consider the usefulness of your own comments?

    Jeez, Louise. Where do you people come from?

  3. Maria,

    I love your responses to those that come in to criticize and make other negative comments. It seems that the web has become a hotbed muddle school students just wishing to be cantankerous. Thanks for being so blunt in your responses and keep up the good work.

  4. There are far too many people expending far too much energy trying to put other people down online.

    If this particular jackass had spent the same 10 minutes doing something GOOD — like praising someone for a blog post — this world would be a better place. Instead, he’s just made himself look like a stupid hardass who just doesn’t get it.


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