Here’s a list, in reverse chronological order, of the articles I’ve had published since 1987. You can click a link to read the article or learn more about the publication in which it appears.
Note: If you’re looking for articles I’ve written for this site, use the topical links in the navigation bar or the search box to find them. There are over 3000 posts here. This page lists articles that are not on this site or on other sites that I manage.
- “Captain Maria Langer’s Guide to Pets on Board,” Dockwa Blog, January 1, 2025.
- “6 Things Every First Mate Should Know,” Dockwa Blog, October 1, 2024.
- “Captiva Island Springing Back,” Waterway Guide, February 7, 2023.
“Q & A: Zachary Noble,” Vertical Magazine, June/July 2018.
- “When Sexual Harassment Isn’t,” Vertical Magazine, February/March 2018.
- “FAR Part 135.160: The FAA’s Irrational Application of a Rule,” Vertical Magazine, June/July 2017.
- “Flying frost control,” AOPA blog, August 23, 2016.
- “Using a big fan,” AOPA blog, August 9, 2016.
- “Doing Wildlife Surveys,” AOPA Hover Power blog, February 10, 2016.
“More on ‘Scud Running’,” AOPA Hover Power blog, July 16, 2015.
- “Owners, Pilots, and Owner Pilots,” AOPA Hover Power blog, June 23, 2015.
- “Tips for long cross-country flights,” AOPA Hover Power blog, May 26, 2015.
- “Bee on the lookout: Keepers able to help during swarm,” Wenatchee World, April 24, 2015.
- “Doors-off Flying,” AOPA Hover Power blog, April 22, 2015.
- “Just say no to traffic patterns,” AOPA Hover Power blog, April 2, 2015.
- “Scud Running in the Cascades,” Vertical Magazine, March, 2015.
- “Maximum performance takeoffs and judgement calls,” AOPA Hover Power blog, January 21, 2015.
- “See the Impact of Your Tweets with Twitter Analytics,”, November 3, 2014.
- “Buried in Tweets? 5 Tips to Manage Your Twitter News Feed,”, October 11, 2014.
- “Make the Most of the Twitter Profile Page,”, June 28, 2014.
- Creating Custom Invoices for QuickBooks 2012 for Mac, HP Print Intelligently, May 21, 2012.
- “Ten Lion Tips for Snow Leopard Users,”, August 4, 2011.
- “Wickenburg, AZ to Boulder City, NV by Helicopter,”
AircraftOwner Online, May 2011. - “Phoenix to Lake Powell by Helicopter (again, but this time with video),”
AircraftOwner Online, February 2011. - “Monument Valley Photo Flight,” AircraftOwner Online, January 2011.
- “Exploring Slot Canyons,” AircraftOwner Online, December 2010.
- “Lake Powell to Monument Valley by Helicopter,” AircraftOwner Online, November 2010.
“Arizona to Washington by Helicopter, Part II,” AircraftOwner Online, October 2010.
- “Arizona to Washington by Helicopter, Part I,” AircraftOwner Online, September 2010.
- “A Serious Amateur’s Guide to Making Movies – Step 6: Publish“, Peachpit Commons Blog, August 14, 2010.
- “A Serious Amateur’s Guide to Making Movies – Step 5: Fine-Tune and Complete“, Peachpit Commons Blog, August 13, 2010.
- “A Serious Amateur’s Guide to Making Movies – Step 4: Create the Rough Cut“, Peachpit Commons Blog, August 12, 2010.
- “A Serious Amateur’s Guide to Making Movies – Step 3: Shoot the Video“, Peachpit Commons Blog, August 11, 2010.
- “A Serious Amateur’s Guide to Making Movies – Step 2: Plan the Shoot(s)“, Peachpit Commons Blog, August 10, 2010.
- “A Serious Amateur’s Guide to Making Movies – Step 1: Explore the Topic“, Peachpit Commons Blog, August 9, 2010.
- “Photo Flight at Lake Powell,” AircraftOwner Online, August 2010.
- “My Introduction to Cherry Drying,” AircraftOwner Online, July 2010.
- “Return from Georgetown,” AircraftOwner Online, June 2010.
- “Wickenburg, AZ to Georgetown, CA by Helicopter,” AircraftOwner Online, May 2010.
- “Running Errands…by Helicopter,” AircraftOwner Online, April 2010.
- “Exploring the Desert with a Friend,” AircraftOwner Online, March 2010.
- “What To Do When Your Mac’s Hard Disk Runs Out of Space,”, February 3, 2010.
- “Maria Langer on Blogging Productivity,” guest post on WordCast, February 2, 2010.
“A Look Back on the Purchase of a New Helicopter,” AircraftOwner Online, February 2010.
- “The Wayside Inn,” AircraftOwner Online, January 2010.
- “Smoke in the Cockpit,” AircraftOwner Online, December 2009.
- “The Hidden Cabins of the Weaver Mountains,” AircraftOwner Online, November 2009.
- “How to Repartition Your Hard Disk in Snow Leopard and Leopard — without Losing Data,”, September 30, 2009.
- “Five Snow Leopard Tips in Five Days: Tip 5 – Using Application Services,”, September 4, 2009.
- “Five Snow Leopard Tips in Five Days: Tip 4 – Recording a Movie with QuickTime Player,”, September 3, 2009.
- “Five Snow Leopard Tips in Five Days: Tip 3 – Using the iTunes Genius Feature,”, September 2, 2009.
- “Five Snow Leopard Tips in Five Days: Tip 2 – Navigating within a Stack,”, September 1, 2009.
“The Life of a Cherry Drying Pilot,” HeliNews, September 2009.
- “Five Snow Leopard Tips in Five Days: Tip 1 – Using Smart Folders,”, August 31, 2009.
- “Stepping Up to Real World Flying,” HeliNews, July 2009.
- “Mechanical Problems: The Inconvenient Truth,” HeliNews, March 2009.
- “How to Embed a QuickTime Movie in a Web Page or Blog Post”,, February 22, 2008.
- “Setting Up Your Mac to Use a Smartphone’s Internet Connection”,, February 1, 2008.
- “Going Back to Your Mac in Mac OS X Leopard”,, January 25, 2008.
- “Top Ten Leopard Features That Will Change How You Use Your Mac”,, October 27, 2007.
- “Creating Timelapse WebCam Movies on a Mac”,, August 31, 2007.
- “Add A Google-Compatible Sitemap For Your WordPress Blog”,, May 25, 2007.
- “Working with Excel Files” (book excerpt),, May 11, 2007.
- “How to Add WordPress Category Feed Links to Posts”,, March 23, 2007.
- “Build the Budget Worksheet with Excel” (book excerpt),, March 16, 2007.
- “Creating an Automated Backup Plan with Fetch and iCal”,, March 9, 2007.
- “Using Google AdSense Channels”,, March 2, 2007.
- “Add Email Notification to Your Blog with FeedBurner”,, February 9, 2007.
- “Publish a Video Podcast with WordPress”,, January 5, 2007.
- “File Management in Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger” (book excerpt),, August 11, 2006.
- “Print FileMaker Pro Data on Preprinted Forms — Perfectly!,” Advisor Basics of FileMaker Pro, Issue #3.
- “Entering Data in QuickBooks Pro for Macintosh” (book excerpt),, May 24, 2006.
- “Streamline Data-Entry with Value Lists,” Advisor Basics of FileMaker Pro, Issue #2.
- “Extend Your Wireless Network and Play Tunes with Airport Express,”, January 27, 2006.
- “Five Funky Finder Features in Mac OS X,”, January 13, 2006.
- “Save Yourself (and Your Data) with .Mac Backup,”, January 6, 2006.
- "TV to Go: Watching Video on Your iPod,", December 22, 2005
- "Yes! You Can Use Your GPS with Your Macintosh!", November 18, 2005
- “FileMaker Pro Layouts Explained,” Advisor Basics of FileMaker Pro, Premier Issue.
- “Add Text and Graphics to a Basic FileMaker Pro Layout,” Advisor Basics of FileMaker Pro, Premier Issue.
- “Make FileMaker Pro Data Entry Easy!,” Advisor Basics of FileMaker Pro, Premier Issue.
- "Creating a Photo Book with iPhoto,", August 5,2005
- "Setting Up Macintosh & Windows File Sharing,", July 29, 2005
- "Throw Out Your Fax Machine. All You Need is a Little Tiger,", July 22, 2005
- "Widget Watch: Dashboard Widgets to Download Now,", July 15, 2005
- "Publishing Your Photos on the Web with iPhoto,", May 20, 2005
- "Ten Questions with Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger: Visual QuickStart Guide Author Maria Langer,", May 12, 2005
- "Absolutely the Last Article You Need to Read about Absolute References in Excel,", January 7, 2005
- "Creating a Slide Show with Music on an iPod Photo,", December 10, 2004
- "Dock vs. Sidebar: Which to Use?",, December 3, 2004
- "Faxing with Mac OS X Panther,", November 24, 2004
- "Three Ways Word Can Drive you Crazy[er] and What You Can do About Them,", October 29, 2004
- "Creating a Custom Screen Saver with iPhoto,", October 22, 2004
- "Destination Wickenburg," SW Aviator, January/Feburary 2003
- "The Anatomy of an Airport Makeover at Wickenburg, Arizona," America’s Flyways, December 2002
- "Training the Rotor-Way," Sport Aviation, November 2002
- "Creating Dynamic Value Lists," FileMaker Pro Advisor, April/May 2002
- "Creating a Menu-Driven Entry System," FileMaker Pro Advisor, December/January 2002
- "Quicken 2001 Deluxe" (review), MacAddict, December 2001
- "Using FileMaker Pro with Microsoft Word," FileMaker Pro Advisor, October/November 2001
- "Using FileMaker Pro with Microsoft Excel," FileMaker Pro Advisor, August/September 2001
- "iTunes & Mac OS X,", August 20, 2001
- "What’s New in Mac OS X,", August 20, 2001
- "Beautify Your Applications with FileMaker Pro’s Layout Tools," FileMaker Pro Advisor, April/May 2001
- "Top April Fools’ Pranks," MacAddict, April 2001.
- "What the Web Can Do for You,", April 27, 2001
- "Get Started with Calculation Fields," FileMaker Pro Advisor, February/March 2001
- "Daytrip by Air: The Kingman/Oatman/Lake Havasu/Wickenburg Loop," Dust Devils Newsletter, March 2001
- "Find the Data You Need — In a Flash!" FileMaker Pro Advisor, December/January 2001
- "Microsoft Office: The Abridged Manuals," MacAddict, December 2000
- "Flying Facts: How Helicopters Fly," self-published for EAA Young Eagles Rally, December 2000
- "Creating a Rollover Navigation Bar," Mac Today, November/December 2000
- "Serving Up Images in Slices," Mac Today, September/October 2000
- "Setting Up a Webcam, Part Two: Going Online," Mac Today, July/August 2000
- "Print Custom Data on Preprinted Forms—Perfectly!", FileMaker Pro Advisor, June/July 2000
- "How to Create Macros," MacAddict, June 2000
- "Setting Up a Webcam, Part One: Getting Started, Mac Today, May/June 2000
- "Create Great Summary Reports," FileMaker Pro Advisor, May 2000
- "FileMaker Pro: The Website Fixer-Upper," MacAddict, April 2000
- "Creating Animated GIFs," Mac Today, March/April 2000
- "How to Use Word’s Style Sheets," MacAddict, March 2000
- "Use Sorts and Multi-Level Sorts for Better Data Viewing," FileMaker Pro Advisor, February 2000
- "Graphic Text, Part 2," Mac Today, January/February 1999
- "Find the Data You Need—In a Flash!," FileMaker Pro Advisor, December/January 2000
- "Rope in Your Finances," MacAddict, December 1999
- "Graphic Text, Part 1," Mac Today, November/December 1999
- "The Value of Value Lists," FileMaker Pro Advisor, October/November 1999
- "Graphics with an Edge," Mac Today, September/October 1999
- "Power Up Your Databases with Plug-Ins," FileMaker Pro Advisor (cover story), August/September 1999
- "Getting Back to Basics," Mac Today, July/August 1999
- "Layouts Unleashed," FileMaker Pro Advisor (cover story), June/July 1999
- "Using the Control Strip," Mac Today, May/June 1999
- "MacAddict Advice Guide," MacAddict (cover story), April 1999
- "Using the Application Menu," Mac Today, March/April 1999
- "Using Sherlock to Search the Internet," Mac Today, January/February 1999
- "Internet Messaging with FileMaker Pro," NetProfessional (cover story), January/February 1999
- "NetObjects Fusion 3," MacAddict, December 1998
- "Mac OS 8.5 Networking," NetProfessional, November/December 1998
- "Preparing Graphics for the Web," MacAddict, October 1998
- "Top 10 Mac Tools," Computer User, September 1998
- "Macromedia Flash 3," MacAddict, September 1998
- "Create Custom Web-Publishing Solutions with Home Page 3.0," FileMaker Pro Advisor, August/September 1998
- "Claris Home Page 3 Assistants," NetProfessional, July/August 1998
- "Excel 98," MacAddict, June 1998
- "RagTime 4.2 takes unique path to integrated docs," MacWEEK, May 7, 1998
- "About Face: Microsoft Office 98," Computer User, April 1998
- "The Alternative to America Online," Computer User, March 1998
- "Microsoft Office 98," Computer User, February 1998
- "Mac OS 8: Lived-In Review," Computer User, February 1998
- "New Features of Mac OS 8.1," Computer User, January 1998
- "Mac OS 8 Tips & Tricks," Computer User, November 1997
- "Elusive Apple," Computer User, October 1997
- "Mac OS 8 is Finally Here!" Computer User, September 1997
- "Apple Shake-Up," Computer User, August 1997
- "Photoshop and Live Picture Compared," Computer User, June 1997
- "I’ve Got a Ducati…Under My Butt," Back Roads, October 1996
- "Macintosh Hard Disk Maintenance: Reformatting," Data-Tech News, Summer 1996
- "Four Ways to Keep Your Mac Healthy," Data-Tech News, Summer 1996
- "Good Things, Small Packages,", June 1996
- "MYOB Accounting 6: Big payoff for small offices," MacWEEK, May 13, 1996
- "Fetching Fonts," BBS, May 1996
- "View a .zoo," BBS, April 1996
- "QuickBooks Pro 4.0 adds muscle to its accounting," MacWEEK, March 18, 1996
- "Games," BBS, March 1996
- "Fileware," BBS, March 1996
- "Motorcycling on the Web," Back Roads, February 1996
- "Intuitive Big Business a little too big and slow," MacWEEK, January 22, 1996
- "Grab a Bag and Bag Some Files," BBS, January 1996
- "Sharewaring," BBS, December 1995
- "Sharewaring," BBS, November 1995
- "Sharewaring," BBS, October 1995
- "Sharewaring," BBS, September 1995
- "Sharewaring," BBS, August 1995
- "FlexWare 8.0 seamlessly melds accounting modules," MacWEEK, July 31, 1995.
- "BBSing the Macintosh Way," BBS, June 1995.
- "QuickBooks 3.0 offers easy, inexpensive accounting," MacWEEK, March 6, 1995.
- "FlexWare offers powerful, modular accounting for Macs," MacWEEK, August 8, 1994.
- "MacP&L builds up credit," MacWEEK, September 13, 1993.
- "FastTrack Schedule," MacUser, January 1993.
- "Running a BBS on a Macintosh," Boardwatch, January/February 1992.
- "Courseware for the Long Haul," Data Training, June 1991.
- "Personal Computers: An Audit Perspective," co-authored with Jayawant G. Khandeker, Internal Auditor, October 1990.
- "Online Writers," Chips Off the Writer’s Block, January/February 1990.
- "Microcomputer Controls – A Policy Primer," The MIS Information Security Resource Manual, MIS Training Institute, 1988.
- "Auditing Construction Project Budgets," The Audit Advisor, October 1987.
Other Published Work
Here are a few other things I’ve written as work-for-hire pieces over the years.
- Various User’s Guides and other software documentation for Letraset USA and International Typeface Corporation, 1992 to 1996.
- Textures & Tones User’s Guide, The Timeline Group for Letraset, September, 1994.
- "A Prospective Author’s Guide to Writing a Book Proposal," Giles Road Press, February 1994.
- Macintosh Tips & Tricks for Word 5.1 and Macintosh Tips & Tricks for Excel 4.0, Giles Road Press, 1993.
- Fidonet Gateway, M.E. Connick and Company, December 1992.
- Introduction to Microsoft Word 4.0 for Macintosh, Intermediate Microsoft Word 4.0 for Macintosh, and Advanced Microsoft Word 4.0 for Macintosh, Computer Applications Learning Center, Inc., 1991.
- Microcomputers and Auditing, Institute of Internal Auditors, Inc., 1990.
Editorial Positions
I have held a number of editorial positions and authored some regular columns thoughout my writing career. Here’s a list.
- Cruising Editor, Waterway Guide, January 2023 to present.
- Contributing Writer,, October 2004 to May 2007.
- Contributing Editor, FileMaker Pro Advisor, September 1999 to July 2006.
- Contributing Writer, Mac Design, (formerly Mac Today), January 1999 to June 2001.
- Contributing Editor, Computer User, April 1997 to June 1998.
- Publisher, Macintosh Tips & Tricks, Flying M Productions (formerly Giles Road Press), since September 1992.
My work as a columnist is the closest I get to having a regular job. I’ve held a number of columnist positions over the years, although these days I’m too busy to reliably produce a magazine column. Here’s a list.
- “Adventure Flying,” Aircraft Owner Online, November 2009 to May 2011.
- “FileMaker Fundamentals,” FileMaker Pro Advisor, September/October 1999 to April/May 2002.
- "Designing Web Graphics," Mac Design, (formerly Mac Today), July/August 1999 to May/June 2001.
- "Inside Mac OS 8.5," Mac Today, January/February 1999 to May/June 1999.
- "Macintosh Tips," Computer User, November 1997 to May 1998.
- "Macintosh News," Computer User, April 1997 to October 1997.
- "Sharewaring," BBS, August 1995 to June 1996. (Publication ceased in June 1996.)