I check into my AdSense account and find a bunch of money.
I’ve been publishing helicopter videos on YouTube for more than 10 years. I was always fiddling around with one kind of camera or another, getting footage in flight, and then putting that footage online. Lots of people found it interesting. I just thought it was neat to share something that had become quite commonplace to me.
In 2016, I set up my YouTube account for monetization. That means that when YouTube put an ad at the beginning of one of my videos, I’d get a cut of the money they collected from the advertiser. I didn’t expect it to be very much — after all, it wasn’t as if my videos went viral or anything. I didn’t even have that many subscribers.
That apparently all changed at least a year ago. Somehow, the Flying M Air YouTube channel attracted more than 43,000 subscribers. And one of my videos — Home to Airport, by Helicopter — got 8.6 million views.
I didn’t know this. I’d set up YouTube to contact me via a Gmail account I never check so I never got any communication from them. I actually learned all this the other day when I was poking around my YouTube channel.
Wow, I thought to myself. That’s kind of cool. But shouldn’t I have earned some money with all those views?
I poked around some more. I wanted to make sure I’d set up YouTube with the correct banking information. I had a hard time finding where the settings for that were. But before I found it, I found something else: $7,700 of earnings in my AdSense account.
It seems that for the past three years, Google had been collecting ad revenue on ads played at the beginning of some of my videos and had been faithfully recording my share in my account on their system.
But why wasn’t I getting paid? It turned out that I’d never completed the setup — I’d never given Google my tax ID or banking information. Duh-oh!
You can bet I handed over that information as soon as I figured out where I needed to enter it.
And the next morning, all that money appeared magically in my savings account.
Needless to say, I’m now very motivated to create new videos. I hadn’t realized it, but it had been about two years since I uploaded one. There were hundreds of comments waiting to be moderated and many were from people asking me why I wasn’t making more videos.
I’ve been doing a bit of flying lately and I set up one of my GoPros to capture video and audio of most of my flights. I put together the other day and, a day later, created a short at the end of that flight.
One of the highlights of Tuesday’s flight was an overflight of the Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River.
I just went through the new comments on those videos. Most folks are thanking me for uploading new videos and telling me they want more. It’s very rewarding — and I’m not talking about the fraction of a cent I get for each view. It’s nice to know folks are out there waiting for new content. It’s nice to have them welcome me back as if they really missed me.
I’ll do my best to record new videos while flying — including new cherry drying videos this summer — and get them online. I hope you’ll check them out and maybe even subscribe to my YouTube channel: FlyingMAir.
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So glad you’re back Maria!
Thanks! Glad to be back!
What a lovely surprise, just when you are are thinking about a major boat purchase.
Perfect timing!
I know, right? LOL.
I don’t mind TOO much when I can click “SKIP ADS” after a few seconds of a YouTube video but I absolutely click away from videos that make you sit there and watch a 30 second spot before the video starts, unless I absolutely have to see it. (And I used to produce and direct commercials for a living).
I’m with you on that. And I watch a lot of YouTube these days.
Understand that if I didn’t monetize, you’d still see ads on my popular videos. Google would put them there and keep all the revenue. Isn’t it better to get a piece of the action when possible?
Liked the flight with the little kid…how much he recognized from the air.
I think that was one of my best videos. Smart kid. That event is coming up again next weekend. I’m not sure if I can set up the cameras like that again, but may try.
Thank you for sharing this and welcome back. Your posts were missed.
Thanks! I’m very happy to be back.
Nice flying with you again. Welcome Back Maria!
Thanks very much!
Well earned, congrats ‼️
Thanks very much!
Oh wow. What a great realization on this. Given YouTube changes for subscribers and views, you obviously qualified with the increased numbers.
I think I set up monetization before they made the changes in required subscriber count. But I really can’t remember.