Cheap Power in a Great Place to Live

Summed up in a video.

Last month, my electric bill was $27.73. The month before, it was $37.24. And my August bill, which covered the brutally hot July we had, was only $40.07.

And yes, I do run my air conditioner. That can be pretty frequently, since I’m home most days in the summer. I also have all electric appliances: stove, dryer, water heater, etc.

The power in Chelan County is supposedly the second cheapest in the country. (The cheapest is supposedly across the river in Douglas County.) Our current electricity rate is 2.7¢ per kilowatt hour. Compare this to the last place I lived, in Arizona’s Maricopa County, which was 13.27¢ per kilowatt hour. The national average is 9.84¢ per kilowatt hour.

Rock Island Dam
The Rock Island dam is just downriver from where I live.

Washington’s power is cheap because it’s renewable energy from numerous hydroelectric and wind turbine sources. The Chelan PUD is especially proud of its hydroelectric plants and the work it’s done along the Columbia River to enhance the lives of residents. I’m referring mostly to the numerous parks and publicly accessible boat ramps, many of which are free.

Back in 2014, I did some flying work for one of my video clients. Here’s the resulting video. (All of the aerial footage was shot from my helicopter.) But what I really like about the video is what is says about life in this area of the country. This is really a great place to live.

Our Public Power: The Next Generation from Voortex Productions on Vimeo.

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2 thoughts on “Cheap Power in a Great Place to Live

  1. Loved the Chelan County video. Looks great, nice people, fine place. And thanks for the reprise of some earlier R44 Go-Pro videos. I have seen that vermillion dawn myself. The commute was fun too.
    When you filmed the other guy low over the cherries, were you in touch with each other by radio?

    Electricity. I have just calculated that I am paying 9 times more per kwh than you. My bill is very low in summer but soars in winter as I use some electic underfloor weave, plus gas-fired under-floor water tubes, radiators and some wood-burning. No need for summer air-con here, in the 600′ ‘hills’ 40 miles north of London. But the folk look much like yours, the hills are greener, the plots smaller. The dogs are just as wet and just as happy..
    But there are some perks. If we want to see a world class orchestra or Nicole Kidman in a theatre play, we can be in London in 30 minutes by train. Shrug-off the city and be back home in the country by 23.30.

    • Charley’s company does a great job on videos like this. Really brings out the best of everything.

      There are nice things about living in or close to a city. I lived the first half of my life in the New York Metro area. But I enjoy the laid back atmosphere here. Friendly people, no rat race in sight. Nice.

      As for the cherry drying video, yes, we were in touch by radio. But I wasn’t that close.

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