Yes, It’s the Same Damn Boats Again

Another stay at Ventura Harbor.

I’m back in Ventura again, working hard on a new training video for The schedule is very tough this time around and at the end of the day, I’m absolutely exhausted.

But tonight, I took a few minutes to walk along the path around the harbor. I did it around sunset, waiting for a crescent moon that never appeared. And then I did it again after dinner.

Boats at NightAnd I took some photos of the same damn boats I always take pictures of when I’m in Ventura.

This is a night shot taken not far from my room. The bright light in the sky is Venus. This was a long exposure, a full stop “overexposed” — at least as far as my camera’s meter was concerned.

I used my new Slik tripod for this shot. It’s designed for smaller cameras, but it held up my digital SLR with its fat lens pretty well. I like the pivoting head and really wish I’d gone the same route with the Manfrotto I got for more serious photo work.

I’ll look for that crescent moon again tomorrow.

Photo Info:

Camera: Nikon D80

Focal Length: 19mm

Aperture: f/3.8

Exposure: 3 seconds

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2 thoughts on “Yes, It’s the Same Damn Boats Again

  1. There are some scenes that are “comfort scenes.” Like comfort food, we go back to them again and again. The fun part is that, after dozens of visits, you can look back and see how your perception of the place as changed or grown.

    Enjoy your down time!

    • There IS something comforting about this place. When I sit at the desk in my hotel room (as I am right now) and turn my head to the right, it’s wonderful to see those boats a stone’s throw away. I feel that I could live there.

      As far as my photography here at the harbor goes, this is the first time I brought a “real” camera and tripod with me. The difference in photo quality is amazing. Two Nikons, both 10 Megapixels, but the D80’s optics and exposures blow the CoolPix out of the water. (No pun intended.) Hope to get a chance to take my setup to the carousel later today.

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